Chapter 36

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Alex's P.O.V

So now came the task of telling Johnnie. I was very scared even if Shannon told me he was fine about it. First off, I wanted to talk to him privately and then tell the rest of the group. Once I walked down the stairs, Johnnie's eyes widened. He must have known that I would have known by now.

"Johnnie, can you come upstairs?" I asked.

"Oh cheeky!" Kyle laughed before Bryan spat his drink everywhere because he was laughing too much.

"We're just talking" I spoke as the heat rose to my cheeks.

Johnnie walked upstairs with me as the guys were still laughing.

"So what's up?" Johnnie turned and asked immediately once we entered my room. Clearly he wanted to know whether I was pregnant or not.

"Well..ermm" I tried to talk. Why was this so goddam hard? Shannon said he wanted a family. Did her really though? Would he leave me? What should I do? I would have to tell him anyway...

"What?! Please tell me" Johnnie nervously said whilst looking down at the floor.

"I'm pregnant" I blurted out.

I will always remember one thing from this conversation and one thing only. That thing was Johnnie's smile that stretched ear-to-ear once I told him this news.

"Are you - are you being serious?" Johnnie grinned, a slight sparkle in his eyes.

"Yes" I smiled, realising that his reaction was going to be positive.

"I can't believe this!! We're gonna be a family!!" Johnnie joyfully exclaimed before he picked me up and spun me around.

"Be careful" I laughed with him after he put me down.

"I'm just so happy!" Johnnie grinned a huge smile as he evidently showed that he was very happy.

"Yeah so am I! I was worried that you wouldn't want this" I explained

"Worried?! No way! I love you and I love the family were going to have" Johnnie spoke as he pulled me in closer and kissed my lips. After a few moments, he stopped and looked at me.

"Let's tell the others" He suggested.

"Okay" I replied, holding his hand as we walked downstairs.

"You guys seem happy" Jeydon pointed out.

"Oh so they did have some cheeky time" Bryan replied to Kyle while making the whole group laugh.

"Aha no" I awkwardly told them, letting my face go all red.

"We have something to tell you" Johnnie spoke with a hint of seriousness in his voice. The whole group looked at both of us, who were standing up, with concentration. All but Shannon did not know what was going to be said and I hoped they would be happy for us.

" you guys might be shocked and I are having a baby" Johnnie finished.

"What? Are you being serious? How? When? You guys have only just started getting serious! Was it planned?" Bryan, Kyle and Jeydon all asked.

"Well it wasn't planned but we're happy it happened" I spoke out now, kissing Johnnie on the cheek.

"That's great! How long have you known?" Kyle asked.

"Literally just found out" Johnnie informed them.

"This is awesome but how do you feel about school? People will say shit" Jeydon pointed out the obvious.

"Yeah I know but I'm finishing it in a couple months and then I'll deal with it when it comes to it" I told them.

"Well I'm happy for you guys; lets go out and celebrate" Shannon suggested.

"Sure that'll be fun" Johnnje agreed.

"Yeah we go to a restaurant and have a few drinks" Bryan began listing the events that were going to happen later.

"Well you guys can have drinks" I said to them.

"We'll all have a good time even if we can't see drunk Alex tonight" Jeydon joked which made everyone laugh

"I'm not funny when I'm drunk" I tried defending myself while still laughing

"You're so clumsy and funny" They all explained to me.

"It'll be fine. Let's get ready now because I wanna get out of this house, we've been in it practically all day" I told them and, with that, each person got up and headed upstairs to get ready. I wasn't going to wear something as fancy as I did on the date with Johnnie, because it was casual, but I also wasn't going to wear something that is plain and boring.

I eventually came downstairs with my black boots, black trousers and a see-through red shirt with a white top underneath. I decided to take a more smart casual approach as did Shannon but not so much as the guys.

"Hey, where's Meghan been? She was meant to be back today from her parents weren't she?" I finally figured. Today I had been very distracted.

"Well...erm...we broke up yesterday" Kyle said, choking up a little.

"Shit! Dude, why didn't you tell us?" Bryan immediately asked while Johnnie pulled him into a hug.

"I'm fine" Kyle reassured us all.

"What's up? Why?" I spoke up.

"She cheated on me. She isn't upset about it or anything. In fact, she's getting with her ex who she cheated on me with. I'm upset but overall happy that she's gone - is that possible? I'm happy that my girlfriend cheated on me?" Kyle started questioning himself after Johnnie pulled away from their hug.

"Yeah totally! It just saves you from wasting anymore time on here!" Shannon smiled now. She always knew how to cheer up anyone and everyone. I'm so glad she's my best friend.

"Yeah that's what I'm thinking. I'm sad, obviously, but overall okay about it" Kyle sounded more confident now. I would be so devastated if that was me, personally, but I sort of get what he meant.

"Good on you Kyle" I cheered him on.

"Well she's coming to grab her shit tomorrow so, when you lot are in school, she'll be here with me and Bryan" Kyle pointed to Shannon, Johnnie and I.

"Alright" We all agreed. There were a few words that I knew Johnnie and Shannon would like to have with her (and me sort of because Kyle is my family but I'm useless when it comes to things like that) but overall the situation was okay.

"Why didn't you tell us earlier?" Bryan asked him.

"I was just blocking it out I suppose. I was going to tell you." Kyle explained.

"It's cool. Forget about her, let's go out" I smiled wit h the whole group agreeing.

I was the happiest I had been for months and optimism filled me. I knew that this feeling would last and I also knew how luckily I was to have Johnnie and the rest of the guys with me.


In this story Meghan has cheated on Kyle but this does not, in any way, reflect reality as it is just a story. Sorry for taking long to write but I have just finished my exams for this year. Thank you so much to everyone who reads this because it's you who makes it worthwhile. Remember that I am always here to talk if upset or just bored ~ Tiff xxx

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