Chapter 41

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Alex P.O.V

"You're sure, aren't you? I asked Johnnie. I absolutely had no idea why he would want to marry me especially after this day. We had only had our first argument not even an hour ago.

"Completely. I know everyone will think we are rushing into things but when haven't we? At our ages we have successful YouTube channels and we are going to have a baby!" Johnnie smiled with a look of determination on his face.

"Well I'm definitely in if you are" I smiled back at him.

"So you will be Mrs Guilbert?" Johnnie asked, hopeful.

"Only if you'll let me" I replied, still lying in the hospital bed.

"Of course" Johnnie smiled down at me again. It had seemed like that was going to be his permanent facial expression for all of eternity.

"But what about this?" I asked while pointing to the mess I had become. Raised, old and recent scars littered every inch of skin on my arms. No one could love a mess like me.

"They are evidence of a past Alex. They don't determine the future - they never will. I will love you forever and always" Johnnie comforted me, placing a hand on the side of my face, with love in his eyes. I knew he was the one for me so who was I to prolong the inevitability of marriage?

"I love you too. Forever and always" I replied to Johnnie while looking up from my hospital bed. Despite the fact that I started this hospital visit in the most humiliating way, I was going to leave the hospital as the happiest girl alive.

*many years later*

I smiled as I thought back to that proposal. I couldn't believe it and I still cannot. To fall in love and marry your best friend is the best gift that life can offer.

"Mummy! Mummy!" I heard Shannon, my little girl, call for me while standing right next to me.

"I'm here darling" I said to her while picking her up. She was wearing small black jeans (which she insisted she wore so she could look like her daddy) and a small black t-shirt with a butterfly on. She had light brown hair (like my natural hair) which often confused her because she didn't see how she didn't have black hair like her mummy and daddy. After talking to her about hair dye she of course wanted to do the same which we said she could when she was older. She often loved seeing what different hair colour mummy would have and loved to point out the fact that I had dyed my hair to the rest of (former) My Digital Escape when they came around. Yeah...My Digital Escape broke up but that didn't mean that our friendships with the former members did. We broke up because it was hard with all the distance but we all still had separate channels still. The most popular of those channels was mine and Johnnie's, not bragging, because we often had videos of little Shannon in and our fans loved seeing her. Of course, after Johnnie and Shannon made up (which was almost immediately), we named our little girl after Shannon because she has been my best friend through a lot and always helps me to this day and the name Shannon is always a very pretty and popular name. A lot had changed in many years which included my recovery. With Johnnie's help, not to mention the help of the rest of My Digital Escape, I stopped self-harming. It was not all plain sailing but I am clean for 3 years now and I will start that habit again. Despite most people's resistance to the proposal, we were still happy and always will be. I knew I had found my soulmate since the beginning of the relationship. Although times had been bleak, and I wouldn't ever dream of being this happy let alone think I was going be in the future, I am the happiest woman alive.

"Mummy, the baby is moving" I heard Shannon say and immediately put down Shannon to grab my own belly. She was right. The baby was moving.

"Johnnie!! Come quick the baby is moving!!" I called for Johnnie from the living room. After a rushing Johnnie finally reached the living room, he put his hand on my ever increasing stomach.

"Oh my god" Johnnie looked shocked but happy as well.

"Only a few months left now" I looked at Johnnie with excitement streaming from my voice.

"And then I will have a little baby brother?" Shannon asked.

"Yes. And then you will have a little baby brother" I smiled at my family, thinking about how lucky I was to have them.

The End.


Woah...the end. This is actually quite emotional lol. I first started writing this book as a way to vent when I was going through self harming. It was a way to distract myself from the situation and to stop doing what I was doing. I would write it whenever I was upset and that is why I was updating frequently towards the beginning. This book has taken me nearly 2 years to write (with obvious breaks in between). Within those years I have had very sad memories of depression, self harming, bullying and I suffered my first loss when my extremely close grandad died but those years have provided me with good memories of meeting new friends, reconnecting with old friends, getting my GCSE's, coming out as a lesbian to my friends and family and also meeting the love of my life who is my girlfriend. Although this story has ended, yours hasn't and mine certainly hasn't. What I am trying to say is, like this book, there are a lot of ups and downs but eventually there will be ups and you will be happy. Until that time feel free to message me whenever you want. Of course I am not going to act like my life is completely amazing but it is so much more happier than I ever thought it would be. That is because of everyone who has helped me and the support this book had got. It was you guys that pushed me to keep on writing. I am extremely grateful for everyone who has read, commented and voted for this story despite the fact that I am terrible at writing. I love you all very much. Feel free to read other books by me because I will still be updating those. Thank you guys for everything you have done. I love you all ~ Tiffany xxxx

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