Chapter 25

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Alex's P.O.V

"OMG! Really? Did you really did that?" Shannon laughed, practically crying from too much laughter, while asking Bryan to confirm that hilarious story that Johnnie just told everyone about Bryan.

"Yeah but it wasn't my fault!" Bryan giggled a little too now.

It was such a good feeling to have everything back to normal? I guess. I suppose nothing can go back to the time when I was happy but today was one of those happyish days.

"You're such an idiot!" I joined in with laughing.

It was only me, Johnnie, Bryan and Shannon in the living room because Deigo had gone home and Kyle and Meghan were still out. We had all changed into our pyjamas and was ready to watch a film (what we usually end up doing.)

"Meghan and Kyle are taking their time" Bryan commented.

"Yeah. I don't think Meghan likes me" I spoke my thought out loud.

"Babe, she'll understand that it was just a heat of the moment thing" Johnnie tried cheering me up.

"She's really understanding, Alex, don't worry. You'll be alright in a matter of no time" Shannon smiled.

"I hope so" I told all of them. It was really difficult. I knew I was in the wrong. I shouldn't have snapped at her the way that I did but I was stressed. I know that I can't use that as an excuse and I'm not going to.

I just wish that Meghan could forgive me.

Meghan's P.O.V

"I just need to say sorry. How could I just get involved in her business like that? No wonder why Alex was so pissed at me. And I had to walk out like that? Nice going Meghan" I mumbled onto Kyle. We were sat outside on the doorstep of MDE's house, just coming back from getting something to eat, and the nerves hit me. I felt so bad for what I did.

"I'm pretty sure that Johnnie is having the same conversation with Alex. You both are reasonable and mature enough to know that you did wrong. Both of you snapped at each other and you've both got to say sorry" Kyle neutrally spoke in a mothers tone of voice.

"Yeah, I know" I agreed, looking down through being ashamed.

I just wish that Alex could forgive me.

Alex's P.O.V


That knick indicated that Kyle and Meghan were home. This is so nerve racking. I just want to say sorry and out all this business behind us.

Bryan got up and answered the door and, a couple of seconds after that, Meghan and Kyle came walking in with Bryan trailing behind.

"I need to talk to you" Meghan began with.

"And I need to talk to you" I replied.

"You first" Meghan sounded polite.

"Okay" I agreed, taking a shaky breath in before breathing out.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have snapped at you like that. You were only trying to help. I'm so sorry." I spilled out.

"Trying to help you or not, it was your business and I shouldn't have got involved in it. It's yours and Johnnies relationship and I'm sure that if you would have started to comment on mine and Kyle relationship, I would be the same. I'm sorry" Meghan talked as she sat down next to me, leaving Johnne the other side of Meghan.

"I'm sorry. You don't need to worry about saying sorry." I told Meghan.

"Yes I do." Meghan returned.

"This could go on all day. How about we say that you're both to blame and you both said sorry?" Shannon stepped in maturely.

"Okay" Meghan and I spoke together.

"Friends?" Bryan said with hope evident in his voice.

"Friends." Meghan and I spoke again.

After a a friendship being reunited, two horror movies and a couple of Bryan's sexual references to almost everything, we were all sat down talking, the conversation of throwing eggs at people in mine and Johnnie's class emerged somehow.

"Yes! At that bitch, Betty!" Johnnie was laughing.

As much as I wanted to continue the conversation on, I really needed to pee.

"I'm just going to the toilet" I told Johnnie with a smile and walked upstairs.

After using the toilet, I walked out into the hallway. The pictures on the walls were so refreshing. I saw pictures of just me and me with others but the main picture that stood out for me was the one that Bryan took when me and Johnnie went on our first date. I held the big teddy that Johnnie had won for me and I also had a huge smile on my face. It's funny how a smile can hide so much... It seemed so long ago that me and Johnnie had just had a night to ourselves. Everything has been so manic since them with the move but I'm not complaining because that means I am going to be with all my friends. I guess it takes a bit of getting used to?

I walked into my room, wishing to change into a more comforting top, and started to undress. I loved this feeling. The feeling of being open. It was the only time I could show my scars and not have a fear of being caught.

I walked over to the dresser, my back to the door, and picked up a long sleeves Fall Out Boy top. This top will do. Just as I was about to lift it over my head, I heard a creak at the door. I was too scared to turn around. Was someone there? I quickly put the top over me and the sleeves down my arm. I needed to turn around but my body was frozen.

It took a few more seconds (these seconds that felt like years) to turn around to see if someone was there. Was it just my imagination? Did someone know my dark secret? With one sharp turn, I knew the answer...


Cliffhanger!!! Sorry guys for not updating! I need to keep to the schedule but it's so hard because I've got loads of revision!! ~ Tiff xx

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