Chapter 40

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Shannon's P.O.V

Looking down at Alex in that hospital bed made me feel sick. It was my fault. I should have told Johnnie but I thought Alex could handle it with my help. I thought she was handling it but clearly not.

"No" Alex responded to my question as I asked her if she was okay. She began telling me about the conversation she just had with Johnnie.

"Are you fucking serious Alex? Did he really say that?" Bryan asked Alex, clearly annoyed at what Johnnie had said.

Alex just nodded and continued to cry into my chest. I wish there was something I could do other than sitting here and hugging her.  Bryan stormed out of the hospital room, followed by the rest of MDE, and I assume they were going to find Johnnie.

"I'm a mess" Alex looked at me, eyes puffy and red, tears staining her face.

"You're not. We will get through this" I tried comforting her while wiping tears off her face. Honestly I didn't know how we were going to get through this. Alex was in the lowest mood that she's ever been in.

"How? I'm going to be a single teen mum who relies on harming herself for comfort. I'm done now. I just want to die" Alex sobbed.

"Don't say that Alex. You've got us to get you through this. Everything will be fine - eventually" I told her, trying to convince myself as well.

"Whatever" Alex responded, clearly giving up.

"It will be fi-" I started to talk before Alex interrupted me.

"Johnnie!" She gasped. I could see her eyes light up as she pointed at the door. I saw Johnnie but he quickly walked away.

"What the fuck" I grunted. I got up from beside Alex's bed and walked towards the day. I had enough. Johnnie's come here, after causing all this pain to Alex, and doesn't had the decency to talk to her. I stormed out of the room and was faced with Johnnie crying. Everyone was crying today but that was understandable.

"What the fuck do you think you're playing at?" I screamed at Johnnie.

"What? I just want to see my girlfriend - that's not against the law" Johnnie defended himself.

"Oh so she is your girlfriend because she's told us about how you have given up on her" I quickly replied in an accusatory tone.

"I didn't mean to say that. Of course I would never give up on her. She's my everything" Johnnie told me. He looked so upset and genuine. Part of me felt bad because I knew that he would never mean to cause her pain but another, more defensive part of me, felt cautious. I didn't want him causing more pain to Alex.

"I think you should tell her that then. She needs you to be strong for her at the moment. She hates herself so much and feels so unloved so you need to sort that out" I informed him and he nodded before stepping into her hospital room. I decided to catch up with the rest of the guys and to let them know that Alex and Johnnie are sorting it out.

Alex's P.O.V

"Johnnie" I smiled up at him. I hated appearing so weak in front of him but he knew that I needed him and that I needed everyone.

"Alex I'm so fucking sorry. I didn't mean a word I said. I was angry but I know now that I shouldn't have directed that anger at you because I was angry at myself. I should have been there for you. I was too wrapped up with myself to even see that you were hurting I'm so sorr-" He began crying again. We were both crying messes at this point. I interrupted his speech, despite how sweet it was.

"No Johnnie. I hid everything from you. You were not too wrapped up at all. I just want you to know that I'm going to be honest with you from now on. All the stress from school had got to me" I started telling Johnnie about everything.

"Baby, you don't need to worry about it anymore because I'm going to help you. School is nearly over and done with and then you never have to see those vile people ever again. I love you so much" Johnnie told me, grabbing my hand in his and holding it close to his heart.

"I just wish we could start over" I said to Johnnie.

"Why can't we? We should move away somewhere new. Start fresh" Johnnie replied, a slight glimmer of hope in her eyes.

"Funny" I laughed. As much as I wished we could just move away and forget all of this, I knew it would never work.

"I'm being serious Alex. We could move away somewhere close enough that we don't leave everyone but far enough that we can start fresh. As soon as school is done with, we can leave and have our own family. We can even get married!" Johnnie immediately started smiling. I joined his smiling at the thought of me marrying Johnnie and us having a family.

"Are you proposing Johnnie" I asked, a little hopeful.

"Erm-I guess I am. It's not as romantic as I hoped but the thought is still there" Johnnie grinned.

"Oh my god. Yes! Definitely! Of course I'll marry you." I replied. I was so excited at what the future had in store. How did the whole atmosphere in this room change so quickly?

"So we're really going to do it? Move away and get married and have a wonderful family?" Johnnie smiled.

"Yes. Yes we are" I said to Johnnie with optimism in my voice. I couldn't believe it. I went from no boyfriend to a fiancé within a matter of minutes. I knew that I couldn't change the past but I could shape the future and I didn't want that future to be based on pain and misery. I knew I had to think forward and my forward included Johnnie. I smiled at the thought of my future

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