Early birthday present

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At the mystery shack Pacifica and Gideon were doing a syrup war and eventually Pacifica won by cheating, bud was reading the morning newspaper with a scowl on his face."ugh I hate those gleeful twins ever since they came here they were nothing but trouble",Pacifica was choking on the syrup and asked, Who are the gleefull twins?.bud gave her the newspaper and it said {welcome all and see wonders no one has ever seen before, come to the tent of telepathy and find out the magic right before your very own eyes featuring dipper and Mabel gleeful at 9:00pm}what did they do to you? questioned Gideon, they've been steeling my money's...I mean customers and stuff bud said embarrassed. Hmm Pacifica your birthdays tomorrow so maybe we could go there. What! no way your going there, no pines will go into a gleefull's roof if they want to live in mine. Gideon thought this over and realized something, "Wait a minute didn't the newspaper say tent of telepathy and tents don't have roofs."Together Pacifica and Gideon said loophole!
in sync running out the door. HEY! Kids get back Here,"oh forget it bud said defeated, I'm to
lazy to get them as he turned on the tv.

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