The telapathy show

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Mabel was putting on her makeup while dipper was adjusting his bolo tie."Brother do we have to do this stupid show, It's so tiring."Well you were the one who decided to keep doing the show Mabel", dipper argued."you know I only did it to get attention "Mabel said while crossing her arms. By that you mean attract boys, I know this show is childish but we can earn peoples trust,make some more money and it's one step to use conquering the world dipper told her confidently. Fine lets just get this over with! Grumbled Mabel. The twins went in and dipper noticed two new comers a small boy about 8 or 9 years old with white hair and a girl with blonde hair and a almost blinding smile but the thing that caught his eye was the small blush that appeared on her cheeks, ignoring it they introduce themselves for the billionth time and said in a strong southern accent "we're the one and only telepathy twins dipper and Mabel gleeful." They said in unison.There were a fit of girls giggling and a group of boys drooling at Mabel, they sang there song (on the video on top)
Pacifica was so amazed at this,she believed physic things of course because of what she went through with the gnomes and stuff she started to believe in more things while Gideon was blabbering about how this show was so fake.

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