Get out!

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"Get out you scum" bud yelled. But grunkle bud, dippers hurt. Pacifica whined, don't you remember the mystery shack slogan "we'll make sure you have the same complexion and that you'll have the right protection" grunkle bud crossed his arms and huffed"everyone knows that slogan is false.I mean how would the mystery shack be a safe place and plus that was made a long time ago,now I changed it to "we have the Fun in no Refunds" as he said this he pulled out a cardboard poster that had the slogan written in some cheap crayons. But put it aside and put his attention to dipper " the gleefuls are not worthy of the mystery shack so scram! "Like I wanted to stay at this junkyard" dipper replied smirking. In seconds the two were bickering and while they were doing that something got to Pacifica's mind. She thought about why her grunkle hated the gleefuls so much so she interrupted there argue "grunkle bud why do you hate the gleefuls so much? Grunkle bud scowled at dipper then turned his attention to Pacifica "look you don't need to know" he said trying to get off of the question "fine you can keep your boyfriend here he said and quoted the boyfriends part. But it's 50$ dollars per day no less and no...well you could put more for a tip bud said leaving the room at that moment Pacifica now angry from not getting her answer yelled "dippers not my boyfriend" she turned to dipper quite flustered but mostly angry "how could he speak to me like that! I can sue him him right at this exact moment. Gideon came in out of breath heaving,"Pacifica grunkle buds coming!" Gideon, grunkle bud already came here, but I think he's trying to hide something. Gideon and Pacifica were huddled together half whispering but made sure dipper didn't hear "so what is he trying to hide?im not exactly sure but I think he might of had a bad past with the gleefuls "I'm going to go ask him what happened" and with that he left the room. The two were left in the room not knowing what to do. So why are you helping me? Dipper questioned. Because that's what friends do silly Pacifica said punching him on the shoulder.dipper winced but felt two arms wrapping around his torso,that was when he realized Pacifica was hugging him. His once tense body relaxed he never had someone hug him in his life but it felt good ""wait did you say friends? Mhmm was all Pacifica answered. Friends, dipper repeated once more.

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