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Pacifica's pov
I was so exited to see the people behind the curtains, who could it be? how do they look Like?
Did grunkle bud really mean it when he said that the gleefulls were monsters? But before I could ask myself all these questions the curtains flew open,and before I new it I was blushing, there were two people, one girl that was wearing a turquoise blouse topped with a baby blue blazer and leggings with a leotard ending in blue high heels and The boy had on a baby blue button up attached with a dark blue cape and black dress pants,the things they both had on were the same creepy star logo and the matching green glowing gem that was on the girls head band and on the boys bolo tie. They looked about my age but the way they were dressed made them look more mature,they started introducing themselves as dipper and Mabel gleeful and started to sing a very catchy song that without me even knowing, it made me stand up!

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