2nd date*

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Gideon's pov:
After our so called "date" I went back to the mystery shack to calm down, Pacifica came hurriedly down the stairs "so Gideon's how was your date" she said giggling, I just sat there playing with my new crab yeah, yeah it was fine. Wait a minute it's over right. Pacifica said a bit worried now. I couldn't keep it in any longer, "no I couldn't say no it was to pressuring and you were right, it was a date, and now I have to go on another one! I bursted out. It's easy just say no like this,no! But Paz it's complicated sure I like Mabel but more like a friend/sister kind of way, and besides I didn't want to hurt her feelings. "Why not just tell her that on the next date" Pacifica suggested, it's not a date I said crossing my arms. The next morning I wore what I always wear to show it was NOT a date and went to the concert where I was supposed to meet Mabel in, when I found her she was wearing a teal dress though she still had on that gem that seemed to glow on her head band. We listened to the concert for a while and then danced,it took about the entire evening but it was kind of fun, the only thing that made me regret this was the fact that it was a date. Where to next Mabel wondered out loud,um didn't you say dancing was the last thing we were going to do,oooooh I know how about a romantic boat ride just me and you, she said completely ignoring my question, but I took this chance as an opportunity to what you can call "break the ice" and it would be the perfect time wouldn't it, it's just going to be me and her,and no one else around,this should be easy right? I thought starting to feel uncomfortable or as they say like a pit in your stomach. Once we were in the boat and away from all the folks (except for the person rowing) I took this opportunity and just started a light topic to start off "so Mabel what a great night it is today for us friends,buddy,pal, chum uhh bestie,partner mate? How about soul mate Mabel said with sparkles in her eyes and a huge smile and at that exact moment fireworks Shooted out a heart with my name on it, what am I supposed to do now as I watched the explosions before me with fear.

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