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Gideon was on his bed worrying about Pacifica, maybe he should go look for her just to make sure she's okay. He got out of bed and grabbed his hat, once he sneakily got downstairs he slipped through the door like a spy and hurried to the place Pacifica left to. At the tent of telepathy:dipper was wide awake with lots of questions on his mind which was rare because he had a pretty well and organized brain, but what got him worrying about was the fact that Mabel was going out for revenge,and that could be dangerous. He knew that sometimes she could get out of control. That pines girl you don't know what's coming to you, dipper grumbled under his breath but to some unknown reason he felt as if he needed to go save her or...or protect her, that was something he hasn't felt for what seemed like
Years, but why did he want to protect her? He usually wasn't merciful so why? He was surely stumped but got to his senses and ran out the door to where Mabel ran off to. Dipper and Gideon came from the opposite directions and stopped when they saw each other. Dipper?what are you doing here? I'm just seeing if my sisters okay dipper half lied. Wait your sister! Gideon said surprised, Oh no,no no no no no this can't be happening that means it was just a lure to get Pacifica?! oh my this was my fault I should have broken up with her myself. Ugh we're wasting time lets just call it a truth and make sure everything is alright in there dipper said pinching the brim of his nose, Gideon just nodded.okay we kick the door on my count 3 2 1 and at the same time they kicked the door Gideon using his weight and dipper using his karate skills that he learned awhile ago the door slammed open revealing Pacifica getting a small cut with a dagger on her Cheek. Mabel turned around and saw dipper and Gideon, she immediately dropped The sharp object and nervously greeted Gideon "hey Gideon what's up"Gideon took a deep breath "Mabel I needed to be honest and tell you this myself, I can't be your boyfriend anymore. As he said this Mabel started to grow angry and started to instantly choke Pacifica "your wrong you are my boyfriend your family is just keeping you away from me! she said eyes now glowing a aura of bright green again, "Mabel stop choking Pacifica your just going to make matters worse" of course words wouldn't work, dipper knew it would get his them in trouble or that someone would get hurt, so there was really no choice his eyes glowed bright green and levitated up to meet his sister. Mabel threw anything she could find and threw it at dipper who dodged them dipper then tried to pry of her amulet but failed they both had a battle where Gideon was watching them and pleading to Mabel to stop harming his now choking cousin. The fight got so intense that the forces joined together and forced everyone or everything to fall on the ground including the storage house. Pacifica was freed from the choking and took deep long gasped of air and Mabel rubbed her head while groaning, the whole storing house was now a big pile of wood. She looked around, now coming back to her senses she was so furious "dipper if your hearing me then listen up because this is the last time I'm talking to you, you only care about yourself and don't think of me I hate you and I wish I didn't have a twin." She said with her voice cracking and after she ran away out of sight. Dipper was hurt more than ever rather in an emotional way or a physical way, the last thing he saw was Pacifica and Gideon rushing to him before blacking out with those harsh word still lingering in his mind.

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