Dippers moment of truth

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Dipper walked in front of the door and opened it instead of waiting for her to make a dramatic entrance as she went up he finally saw her for what a 2days?3? But he didn't care much he'd rather go to the pines house than stay at a tent of telepathy were he had to sing and make cute faces at people to be able to make profit."so did you finally have enough time with that pines girl because by the lookes of it you've been sleeping in the same room or better yet you were sleeping in the same bed" dipper blushed stuttering, come on dipper don't let her take advantage of you when did you become so weak. "ah um uh I just thought maybe I should protect Pacifica from you because maybe you should have thought before you did"stupid dipper he scolded himself."well yeah why don't you have your amulet if your going to protect her hmmmm" "how do you know..."dipper trailed of "like using those powers will actually help, think about what you did to her over her stupid cousin" "I don't need that talk from you! You know better than to get into my business and my business only!" Mabel screamed on the verge of anger " I didn't come here to talk about personal things I'm here to give you a message from uncle Stan to tell you that he wants you back at the talent show by tonight or he'll kick you out to live with the rats so you better be there she finally calmed" and with a quick evil dark glance at Pacifica she was gone but as soon as she left was gone as well how did they disappear so fast? Gideon woke up from his slumber " I think I heard screaming what did I miss?

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