Sleep over!

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By the time Pacifica released her arms off dipper the windows were pitter with small rain drops which seemed to grow bigger each second "how am I supposed to go when it's raining especially when I have a broken ankle" dipper said. Pacifica smiled "well we could have a sleepover!" She took out her book of scary stories with a flash light a spare sleeping. bag and A box of makeup. Dippers expression changed from calm to frightened ether because of the box of makeup or having to share a room with a girl who he was supposed to hate.while he was thinking of a way out of this Pacifica tackled him down and applied makeup to his face.when she was done she let go of dipper and made him see his reflection she put mascara, red lipstick eye liner and face powder as soon as he saw it he wiped it of of his face.after he was done he wrinkled his nose in disgust trying to get the the smell of makeup out of his mind "there's no way I'm sleeping with you. And just to tell you sleepovers should only be for girls like you. Dipper could feel that Pacifica was hurt, but ignored them and got off the bed, as soon as his feet touched the ground the sharp pain hit him again"ahh! Forgot about the broken ankle. Dipper sighed "I guess we could just stay in the room and talk but there are rules. First off no hugging, no magazines no sleeping together and absolutely no makeup" yes! I always wanted to have a sleepover.later at night Pacifica took out a book of scary stories "hey didn't I say no magazines? Yeah but these aren't magazines these are true ghost story's"the lights flickered off and on following with a clashing sound of thunder which made Pacifica shrieked and hugged the closest thing she could hold which unfortunately was dipper."this is going go be a long night dipper said.gideon couldn't hold the funniness and burst out laughing"ha ha oh Pacifica that was some high pitched screaming"he turned on the lights and saw Pacifica on dipper. Pacifica was trembling and dipper was clutching his ears "get off my cousin! Gideon rushed and pulled Pacifica back,"more like she was on me"dipper said still holding his ears from Pacifica's high pitched scream. "Gideon don't do that your going to wake up grunkle bud, and why are you here? Shouldn't you be in that creepy room with the body switching carpet?. Body switching carpet? that's in my book dipper said anxious. okay let's sort this through Gideon why are you here? Well I couldn't sleep so...Pacifica cut him off "Okay then do you want to join our sleepover". NOT a sleepover dipper reminded her"sure Gideon said as he turned of the lights."now let's tell scary stories Pacifica said in a spooky tone. ugh why does life hate me dipper exaggerated.While Pacifica read the stories she heard Gideon snore loudly that's when she noticed dipper was sleeping too but was the complete opposite of gideon his posture was as straight as a stick he was completely silent with tense muscles as if he was stressed out 24/7 the only thing that was out of place was the slightly ruffled up hair Which put a smile to here face she stared at him again like she was in some sort of trance.she put out the extra sleeping bag for Gideon because she new Gideon was to heavy for her to lift up the bed. she put dipper into her bed but she was to tired to make another sleeping bag for herself so she jumped into the bed were dipper was, and fell asleep.

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