The past

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Mabel's pov:
After the show I couldn't stop thinking about that white haired boy. Gideon was it? Yeah, but why? I decided to just eavesdrop on them to clear out my mind, mabe that will help. When I saw them they were laughing and poking at each other, I wish me and dipper had a bond like them, we used to before we found the stupid journal. After they were gone I came inside and jump onto my bed to My bed. I remember how we ended up like what we are now, though I try to not think about. Afraid of tearing up or running away I tried rethinking the past knowing that this would be a challenge. When me and dipper were 3 our parents divorced and didn't want us due to depression,our great uncle Stanford didn't want us ether but he couldn't just leave a gleeful behind so he adopted us. Me and dipper played a lot and were as goofy as any person in levity floats (or gravity falls) but we had to do a lot of chores for Stan. Later when we were 5 years old we became more independent, but we still played together. At the age of 8 we found the journal when we were having a tickle fight and my head hit a hard metal tree, dipper was the curios boy he was and found journal number 2 in the trap door. About few months later dipper made two teal glowing amulets for me and him. The next year when we turned 9 things started to change we started to turn mature for a nine year olds and became more mannered after we got the amulets we practiced more on it them then playing together later people started calling us adorable and would pay us to sing songs or do a funny dance,Stan found out about this but he didn't get angry instead he made up a show called the tent of telepathy were we had to do a show every Saturday about us dancing singing or doing a magic trick. And on that day on we became the most popular people in levity floats, while I was thinking about this something clicked in my head maybe that's why I thought about the pines boy, I guess it was because he reminded me of the past that me and dipper had. The only thing running through my mind was that the first thing I'm going to do tomorrow is to greet him properly myself.

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