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Dippers pov:
When I woke up my head was pounding because of that white haired freak who hit me with a frying pan, I also noticed that I couldn't move my hands and feet because I was strapped with lays of duct tape and hand cuffs, which I wondered if they were here to help me or to take me hostage. When my mind started to clear up I remembered everything from my sisters crazy rampage to me losing my conscious again. While I was thinking I was staring blankly at the wall when I heard the door creak open, Pacifica came out with a few medical tools and sat on the bed "um do you just want to forget about what happened before when you woke up" Pacifica asked, I thought about this,what happened when I woke up from when I passed out? I thought to myself the only thing I remembered was that I got hit with a frying pan from the pines boy but everything just seemed like a blur. What happened again? I blurted out,"okay so you don't remember" Pacifica said relieved "nothing happened"she said taking out a moist warm towel and at that moment I suddenly felt cold,then I realized that I was shirtless. I did what every normal person would do and I wrapped my arms around myself but I felt a sharp pain on my chest which made me pull away my hand in the process. I looked down on my hand and found blood the iron smell oozing in the air which was thick but I found myself looking at my chest which was cut and wounded "dipper could you lay down I need to bandage you Pacifica said reaching out to grab my hand "don't touch me! I snapped sweat pouring. I never been in the same room with a girl shirtless though I honestly felt bad for it especially because she saved my life but that didn't mean Ill give her my trust I examined my injury and knew a spell or two about healing I got out of bed to get my amulet when I collapsed to the ground my foot felt like acid and I couldn't even move it "oh! Dipper are you okay?! What do you think I replied harshly "could you get my amulet" Pacifica walked to my clothes on the chair and searched "dipper your amulets not there Pacifica said. I huffed "it probably got destroyed during the crash I grumbled under my breath. Pacifica help me up on the bed she used the wet cloth to take of all the dirt and then used an alcohol swab to
Disinfect it. After she cleans the area she used a bandage roll and wrapped it around my chest, I was surprised on how good she was judging by her looks. she didn't look the type to do things like this. Once she was done she sat on a chair, there was an uncomfortable amount of silence so I took the risk to question what had happened before but her uncle barged in before I could even say a word "I heard a crashing noise what was it? He said looking around the room his eyes landed on me with a cold threatening stare.

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