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Later they finally saw a glimpse of the mystery shack they were both exhausted from the trip, carrying the now unconscious dipper "umm Pacifica what are we going to do with him? Gideon asked. I'm going to fix him up and make sure he's you know not died.gideon stopped walking and everything was completely silent," Pacifica punched his arm in a friendly way "I'm just joking silly of course he's not died, now let's get a move on.They reached the mystery shack and opened the door carefully not to wake bud up who was unfortunately a light sleeper they both brang
dipper into there room after a few failed attempts. "Uhh Pacifica do I have to remind you that this is the brother of your arch nemesis who tried to kill you! Oh Gideon don't be such a worrywart I'll just duct tape him to the bed,and plus he's already passed out. "As always Pacifica your right Gideon said getting out from the corner lets just duct tape him now just in case because I don't want to lose an arm Gideon exaggerated
It took a while to put it on which took all morning they put layers of duct tape on his wrists ankles and his stomach Gideon still thought this wasn't enough and used hand cuffs after Pacifica brang out her medical kit and her hospital sweater which had a a Red Cross "I never new my medical class would be so useful",she started off and the small cuts and put alcohol swab and a small bandage which she drew a smiley face and then a small patch of ice on the bruises, on his side was a
Huge open wound she stared at for what seemed like hours when suddenly dipper sat up and had eyes that were as wide as saucers as if he had a bad dream, though his actions were so fast Pacifica didn't have time to jerk away and there lips joined but as you might guess that they both pull away they just stood the shocked and frozen but dipper managed to move away and later they both had red marks on there cheeks following with an Erie silent,luckily Gideon barged through the door with a frying pan "oh no Pacifica get away he's regained his consciousness don't worry I got this with me after he banged the pan onto dipper head and he fell right onto the bed

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