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So did she take it well Gideon said nervously not really wanting to know the answer, well I guess you say that Pacifica replied, the phone rang Pacifica and Gideon did a quick match of rock paper scissors eventually Pacifica lost and grabbed the phone. Hello Pacifica speaking,oh! hello Pacifica I've been wondering if you would like an interview on all your crazzzy sweater designs the female reporter asked. Really my sweater designs I thought you said no last time? I guess I just ran out of ideas to put on the newspaper, okay where to go? Just meet me at 214 gopher road at midnight,why at midnight? Don't Ask Questions! Okay,okay I'll be there. Pacifica hanged off the phone and told Gideon all about it,"Pacifica isn't it just a tad bit suspicious, pshhh of course not, how could meeting a reporter in a old storage house at the middle of the night be dangerous. At the tent of telepathy:Mabel dearest don't you think you've frightened the boy off maybe you shouldn't go off for your revenge on the pines girl dipper said while reading and decoding the codes on the journal, ha! Like you would care Mabel sneered and put on her jacket. She slammed the door shut and went to meet with the reporter. After the deed was done Mabel gave her Toby determines phone number and went to the abandoned storage house which kept all the toys from the tent of telepathy. At midnight Pacifica came in but was confused where was the reporter, she then noticed a dim light with an arm chair facing the other side just like in a movies, um mrs's reporter? not mrs reporter my dear Pacifica I would just like to be called Mabel gleeful as she said it the arm chair spun around showing Mabel creepily petting her own doll. I was waiting to meet you, wait just one milliminute is this about the whole Gideon break up thing? At that very sentence Mabel stood up. Of course! He was my lil marshmella he should have been mine you were the one who broke us up,not my peach dumpling Mabel said furiously with her eyes glowing a bright green,she started walking towards Pacifica and used her amulet to levitate the objects on the floor and hurtled it at Pacifica. A.a..aren't y..ou a fake! Pacifica stuttered as she got pelted with toys, heh
heh there's a lot of things you don't know about me Pacifica, Mabel inched closer to her, she then grabbed her amulet furiously and levitated Pacifica off the ground "and now your gonna pay"she got out a dagger and started to inch it closer to Pacifica. Was this the end of Pacifica? The person who laughed at almost any joke,the person who wears colourful sweaters every day,not even bothered by summer rays. The person that had a pet chicken named clucky and most of all the person who had a warm heart that was unbreakable in any situation,was it really the end?she thought tears streaming down her face. Just when the dagger met her skin the locked doors bursted open revealing Dipper gleeful and Gideon pines.

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