Return of mabel

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When Pacifica woke up early since she was a morning bird she looked to her side to see dipper on the ground "must have fallen down"she said under her breath but another thought popes in her mind how cute and adorable he was without his straight back and tense shoulders he looked as though maybe he wasn't really that bad of a guy after all unlike his sister..pound! Pound! Pound! downstairs she could hear chattering which sounded like a muffled version of her uncles voice and...Mabel! This is not going to end well she could tell by there last meet in greet. Pacifica walked to the door and cupped her hands to her ears "tell me gleeful where is he" a long pause " I ain't telling you noth'in unless you pay hefty cash" " I'm not playing games with you I know he's there and I need to finish up talking to him he's been having to much of his usefulness spending time with that gleeful girl of yours"Mabel spat there was some rustling before she heard probably a thousand dollar shoes walking up the creaky stairs. Pacifica Immediately tried waking up dipper to see his eyes shoot up in surprise realizing those familiar clicks of high heels. dipper rose up straightened his hair wiped the drool of his face and got the crummy stuff off his eye. now he was ready to face his twin sister.

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