Unfinished breakup

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Gideon was pacing around his room in circles "oh what do I do what do, As Pacifica was passing Gideon's toon she noticed that he didn't look so well like he Haden's slept for days."umm Gideon are you okay? You did break up with Mabel right. I don't know what happened I was about to tell her and then poof I just couldn't, I just don't know what to do anymore Gideon said still pacing back and forth. "Hey if it makes you feel any better I'll do it for you first thing tomorrow okay, Gideon was so pleased that Pacifica would do this for him he tackled her into a hug continuously repeating the words thank you. The next morning Pacifica came into the club to do the promise that she gave to Gideon yesterday. Umm can I see Mabel gleeful please. Very well she's at table 24 the waiter said with a tint of French accent.
Pacifica didn't know where table 24 was so she just looked around and found Mabel sitting at a luxurious Table only suitable for the wealthy, "hey Mabel how's it going"Pacifica asked to start off. I'm fine you look good, you look good, Mabel said with disgust in her voice so what brings you here to this fancy restaurant. Well you see Gideon said that he doesn't want to date you anymore and yeah, Pacifica said scratching her head admitting to herself that it was harder than she thought. So you've come between us Mabel said eyes slightly twitching she new she hated her at the start, but immediately her expression changed into a sweet and innocent but fake face kind of like what dipper did at the show. No problem it's fine, stuff like this happen you know, now scurry on. Well okay so I guess it's all in the past no heartbreaks or anything okay bye ,Pacifica said rather quickly scooting out once she was out of sight Mabel whispered under her breath "oh Pacifica you don't know what's coming to ya,"

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