Blood Spilled

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Sakura's P.O.V.

When I became the lieutenant for Squad 4 of the Thirteen Court Gaurd, I didn't expect much of my daily life to change. I would always be a strong fighter, and no matter how hard I tried, I could never lose my reputation as a top knotch healer.

"Sakura~!" A familiar voice called.

I turned to face the direction the voice came from, not even taking time to recognize the person, and held my arm out toward them.

"Shakkahō!" I growled.

A red light formed at my palm and shot toward the person. She screamed and scrambled out of the way. My foot placing faltered, and as I readjusted, someone hit me between my shoulder blades.

"Respect your elders!" A harsh male voice barked.

I fell to the ground, and I was greeted by white hair and fierce green eyes when I flipped onto my back.

"C-Captain Hitsugaya!" I mumbled.

"You nearly killed Matsumoto." He snapped.

"It's her fault! I was concentrating in my zanpakuto's world when she disturbed me!"

He stomped his foot onto my chest. I coughed up blood as a reaction, and his foot slid down to my neck. I struggled to breathe as he pushed down harder.

"How do you like being attacked unexpectedly?" He growled.

"T-Toshiro!" I cried out. "I-I......c-cant breathe!"

He didn't move. I grabbed onto my zanpakuto, which laid on the ground beside me, and slashesd across his leg. He yelped in pain and fell backwards. I gasped for air and closed my eyes. Tears had started forming at the edges, and one rolled down my cheek as I sat up.

"C-Captain?" Matsumoto ran to Toshiro.

He was clutching his ankle as his hand became soaked in his own blood. I got to my feet, but as I was about to heal him, Matsumoto drew her zanpakuto and sliced through my chest. My eyes widened in surprise, and the wound ripped open as blood poured from it.

"Matsumoto! What the hell did you do?" Toshiro yelled.

My zanpakuto slipped from my hand as I fell backwards. Toshiro dove across the ground and caught me. He looked at me with a strong hint of regret in his eyes.

"Stay awake, Sakura!" He pleaded.

"T-Toshiro? W-Why?" I whispered.

Before I could get his answer, the whole word went black.


"Please! Wake up!" that?


Am I......dead?

I forced my eyes to open, and I was instantly blinded by a white light. I raised my hand up and blocked my eyes.

"Sakura!" Matsumoto cheered. "Captain! She's awake!"

The red-haired woman stepped toward me. I tried to shift away, but my chest throbbed. I screamed in agony, and Toshiro ran into the room.

"Sakura!" He yelled, concern coating his voice.

He grabbed my hand, and I tightened my grip. My teeth were clenched together as the pain got worse. Toshiro reached his free hand out and stroked my hair.

"Calm down." He whispered.

He continued to run his hand through my hair, and my body relaxed. I looked at him when the pain stopped.

"Why are you here? Don't you hate me?" I asked.

He shook his head. "I've never hated you. You're my closest friend."

"Friend? Friends don't choke each other, Toshiro."

"They don't cut each other either."

I stared at the ceiling. I looked at him again when he sighed.

"We have to go. The deadline for our paperwork is today." He sighed.

"Don't go." I pleaded.

He stood up and touched my cheek. "I'll come back later. I need to talk to you alone anyway."


Renji had been nice enough to bring me a ball from the World of the Living. Rukia brought me flowers once she heard that I had been hurt. Zaraki brought me a notepad and drawing utensils at Yaruichi's request.

"I see someone has gotten gifts." A voice laughed.

Toshiro appeared in front of my bed, most likely the cause of him using flash step. I smiled and showed him my notebook.

"I drew some pictures!" I said, excitement leaking into my voice.

"May I see them?"

"Of course!"

He moved to stand beside my bed, and he took the notebook when I held it out to him. He flicked it open and blushed.

"H-How the hell did you even draw this?" He asked, showing me the picture.

It was of him with his arms crossed. I smiled and closed my eyes.

"Photographic memory." I answered.

He dropped the notebook and suddenly pinned me down to the bed. His skin was as cold as ice.

"Cold to the core." I whispered.

He rolled his eyes. "Shut up."

Cold to the Core (Bleach Toshiro Hitsugaya Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now