Rocky Start

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Toshiro's P.O.V.

Three days went by since Rangiku forced me to propose. Of course her idiotic plan backfired, and Sakura rejected me before I even had the chance. I had woken up the next morning to a note on my desk.


I'm taking a vacation. I'll be back soon. Promise~


I had immediately called her, but she didn't answer. I was walking to my office when I heard Rangiku talking.

"Really? You've been there for three days! How could you have gone out with Ichigo already?" She asked.

I slammed the door open, and Rangiku stared at me.

"That's my phone, Matsumoto!" I growled.

"Sakura called. You weren't here when it rang, so I answered for you!" She explained.

"Give me the damn thing!"

"No! Sakura was about to tell me how her date with Ichigo went!"

"Give it to me before I freeze your ass!"

She mumbled and held it out to me. I snatched it from her.

"Be lucky you still have a job!" I growled, holding the phone to my ear. "Sakura?"

"Give the phone back to Rangiku." She said.


"I was talking to her before you interrupted!"

"Tell me about this date with Ichigo."

"That isn't what it seems. He bought me some watermelon while we went shopping. Karin was with us."

Someone spoke in the background.

Who are you talkin' to?

"Captain Hitsugaya. He thinks we went on a date."


"Rangiku told him that."

Give me the phone!

"No! You have your own phone!"

I don't have his number!

"Then I'll put it on speaker! I'm not letting you break this phone, too!"

I raised my eyebrows. I heard the soft click of a button and something clattering.

"Toshi-kun, Ichigo-san wants to talk to you." Sakura said.

"I want to know about how he broke your phone." I said.

"I didn't go on a date with her! I didn't break her phone! The Hollow we were fighting knocked it out of her hand and I happened to stand on it! It wasn't my fault!" Ichigo yelled.

"Did he buy the one you have now?" I asked Sakura.

"No. Yuzu bought it for me." She answered.

"Ichigo, buy her a better phone before I get there or I'm going to kick your ass!" I growled.

"Yes, Captain!"


"Why did we come here?"

"I came to propose. You came because you follow me everywhere."

Rangiku mumbled under her breath for the thousandth time. I walked into the Kurosaki Clinic. Karin and Yuzu instantly greeted me.

"Hi!" Yuzu smiled.

"If you're looking for Ichigo and Sakura, they went to Urahara's shop." Karin said.

I growled and walked out. It took only a few minutes with flash step. Rangiku was complaining about something by the time we got there.

"Shut up!" I snapped.


Sakura was leaning against the shop. She was in a gigai like is, but she didn't seem to dress the way she did years ago. She was wearing a beautiful dress, most likely borrowed from Ichigo's sisters, and she had a flower in her hair.

"What are you two doing here in the middle of summer?" She asked.

"Toshiro came to find you!" Rangiku yelled.

"Ah. Well, come inside. I'm burning up out here."

She walked into the shop, and I noticed that she had scales on the back of her arms. Rangiku noticed them as well, and she looked at me. I shrugged and followed Sakura.

"Captain Hitsugaya?" Renji asked, looking at me when I walked into the shop.

"Yo." I answered.

Sakura lifted up a box and carried it to the back of the shop. Ichigo came back out with a different box, and he smiled when he saw me and Rangiku.

"Hey!" He said. "Sakura is gonna be working here for the summer! Are you two joining us?"

"No. I came to bring her back home." I answered.

"I'm not going home." Sakura barked, walking out of the back with a bag. "I promised Kisuke I'd help him this summer!"

"Not even for this?" I asked, holding up a small satin box.

Ichigo nearly dropped the box he was holding. Sakura glared at me.

"You're gonna bring that up again?" She growled.

"You're the one that wants to get married."

"I don't wanna get married if you're gonna be a damn jerk about it!"

"I came here because I want to!"

"Then why is she here?!"

I looked at Rangiku. She shrugged. I sighed, grabbed Sakura's hand, and pulled her outside. She yanked her hand free when I closed the shop doors.

"Listen, you brat!" I growled, getting in her personal space. "I didn't buy a damn ring for you to be such a bitch! I wanted to get married! I wanted to spend the rest of my long ass life with you! I just never had the fucking time to do anything!"

She started crying. She turned and ran away. I growled, shoved the small box into my pocket, and ran after her. She was heading to a park.

"Sakura! Wait!" I yelled.

We ran by several people. I slid to a stop when she jumped from a rock, smashing it to pieces. She landed in the nearby tree. I growled when the people around us gathered around.

"What's going on?"

"What happened to King's Rock?"

"What are those kids doing?"

The box fell from my pocket, and one of the women picked it up. She gasped and looked between me and Sakura.

"He's proposing?" She said, loud enough for everyone to hear.

All the women cooed. I blushed and snatched the box away from the woman. I jumped on a large piece of the demolished rock and launched myself at Sakura. I grabbed onto her and cushioned her fall as we tumbled to the ground. I hit my head on another rock, and I instantly blacked out.

Cold to the Core (Bleach Toshiro Hitsugaya Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now