Chapter 4

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The following morning, Beth met with some businesspeople who had interest in working with Highlands Financial.

After what had happened at the acquisition company the day before, Beth just hoped that this business meeting would go a hell of a lot better.

It turned out that she had nothing to worry about. The businesspeople were genuinely excited about working with Highlands Financial & how it would benefit their corporation.

"I will most definitely let my boss know about the excellent progress we've made here," said Beth smiling.

"Gracias, Mrs. Wheeler. We appreciate doing business with your company," said executive Emilio Gonzalez.

After shaking hands, Beth was off to what she hoped would be a relaxing lunch.

After finding a cafe not far from her hotel, Beth enjoyed a couple of enchiladas. In addition to enjoying her food, she found herself also enjoying the cafe's colorful decor.

After lunch, Beth decided to do a little shopping, having promised Rip before she left that she would bring something back from her trip.

As she browsed through an art shop, she noticed something that caught her off guard.

There at a market across the street was the one person Beth didn't think she'd see.

It was Jamie, & he wasn't alone.

He was dressed casually in a button down short sleeved shirt with khaki shorts. His female companion, a beautiful woman with brownish blonde hair, was dressed in a pink floral print maxi dress with sandals.

However, it was what Jamie was holding that really caught Beth's attention.

In his arms was a baby wearing a cute hat & a cute pink dress.

"Son of a bitch," Beth muttered as she watched Jamie & his family browse the market.

However, just as she was about to go over there & ruin the sweet family moment, John's advice to her came back.

"Leave Jamie alone," Beth remembered her father saying to her that day in his home office.

As much as she wanted to go over to the market & belittle him, Beth decided not to even bother.

Besides, based on what she saw, Jamie was a different person.

He seemed happier, more confident, & more sure of himself. That made Beth sick to her stomach.

However, she realized that she needed to take her father's advice so she did just that.

Beth left Jamie alone.
Meanwhile, Jamie had seen Beth but just smirked & shook his head. Isabella noticed.

"Something wrong, Jamie?" asked Isabella.

"No. Nothing's wrong, Izzy," said Jamie with a smile.

"Are you sure about that?" asked Isabella.

"I am. However, if you're interested, how about we talk about it when we get home & put Adri down for her nap?" asked Jamie.

"That sounds good, mi amor," said Isabella with a smile. "Let's do that."

After picking up some fresh vegetables, the family headed home.

Jamie knew that he had to be honest with Isabella, & that was exactly what he was going to do.

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