Chapter 7

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Jamie saw the dark blue SUV parked near his home & got worried right away. He didn't know anyone who owned that kind of vehicle.

Then his worry turned to anger when he saw who was coming out of it.

It was his ex, Christina Gomez.

The last time Jamie had seen her was the day she had packed up the remaining items in her office in Helena & walked out with Michael Gomez by her side.

However, when he saw how sad she looked as she approached him, his anger began to dissipate.

"Hi, Jamie," said Christina.

"Hello," said Jamie nonchalantly.

"May I come in? I need to talk to you," said Christina.

"About what?" asked Jamie.

"A couple of important things," said Christina.

Jamie nodded & led her into the house.

Once inside, he had Christina sit down in the living room & went to go find Isabella.

When he found her in Adrianna's room, he told her what was going on.

Meanwhile, Christina found herself looking around. She saw a couple of pictures from Jamie & Isabella's wedding on the mantel & felt herself start to tear up.

Jamie came back, having changed into a pair of khaki shorts & a short sleeved blue shirt. He then sat down across from Christina.

"Now you said that you wanted to talk to me about some important things," said Jamie. "What are they?"

Christina looked at him sadly.

"It involves our son," she said.

Jamie just shook his head. He couldn't believe that he was going to say this, but he had to.

"Don't you mean yours & your husband's son?" Asked Jamie bitterly.

Christina shook her head & felt her eyes fill with tears.

"I don't have a husband anymore. Michael's dead," she said as the tears began falling down her face.

Jamie quickly got her tissue.

"I'm sorry," he said sadly as he gave it to her.

"It's OK, Jamie," said Christina.

"How did he die if you don't mind me asking," asked Jamie.

Christina took a deep breath.

"He was on his way home from work when a drunk driver slammed into his car," said a teary eyed Christina. "He died while in route to the hospital."

Jamie nodded sadly. He felt bad for her.

"Did his family try to help you out?" Asked Jamie. Christina shook her head.

"They made it very clear to me after Michael's funeral that they want nothing to do with me or JJ," said Christina. "Mike's parents never approved of our relationship & weren't there when we got married. They especially had an issue with Mike adopting JJ so to them, I'm just some slut who married their son & pinned my son on him."

"Holy shit," muttered Jamie.

"I've been struggling emotionally since then," said Christina. "I tried to find support with people that I thought were my friends, but they blew me off. I then tried to contact old friends of mine in Montana, but they're too busy working for Sheila Fairchild. I later found Kyle Lansky."

"Was he able to help you?" Asked Jamie. Christina nodded.

"He told me that you were living in Mexico now & were doing really well so I decided to come here & talk to you about JJ," said Christina.

"I'm glad you did, but as you can probably see, I've moved on," said Jamie.

"I know, & I'm honestly happy for you. I don't want to interfere in your life, but I would love for you to reconnect with JJ. He's still very young," said Christina.

Jamie began thinking. He had definitely missed his now 2 year old son & had always imagined what life would be like if JJ had been a part of it, but no thanks to Beth, Jamie had been denied that opportunity.

Now there was a chance, but Jamie had concerns.

"I would love nothing more than to reconnect with JJ," said Jamie. "But I'm married now, & I have a daughter. I don't know how my wife would feel about it so I do need to talk to her."

"I have no problem with that. I don't want to causes any problems," said Christina.

Jamie smiled at her.

"You won't," he said. "If you're going to be in town for a while, let me talk to Isabella & see how she feels about this. If she's all for it, I'll call you, & we'll set something up like a little trip to the park."

Christina smiled. She liked that idea.

"I like that," said Christina. "Thank you."

"No problem," said Jamie.

He then escorted Christina to her car & watched her drive off.

Jamie had a good feeling about how things would turn out.

However, one problem was about to show itself.

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