Chapter 5

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Once they were home, Jamie put Adrianna down for her nap & then joined Isabella in the spacious living room.

"I saw my sister Beth while we were out at the market," said Jamie.

"The one who liked to abuse you?" asked Isabella.

"That's her," said Jamie.

"Why is she here?" asked Isabella.

"Business because her company, Highlands Financial, wants to acquire Halcon Acquisitions," said Jamie who was a member of Halcon Acquisitions' board of directors.(A/N: "halcon" is Spanish for falcon. I intend to incorporate some words in Spanish in this story due to Jamie living in Mexico)

Isabella nodded. She knew all about her husband's difficulties with his family & his decision to move to Mexico. He had been very honest with her about his past including what had happened to both Beth & his former girlfriend Maria Healy.

"Do you think she saw you?" asked Isabella.

"She did, Izzy, & she was pissed," said Jamie. "I guess seeing me with you & Adri infuriated her."

"Why should she care? Doesn't she have her own family?" asked Isabella.

"She does according to Kayce. She & her husband had a daughter over a year & a half ago," said Jamie who had somewhat made amends with Kayce.

"Yet she still wants to hurt you, Jamie," said Isabella.

"She does, Izzy, & she won't stop," said Jamie.

"Well, if you & her do come face to face, she will be in for one big fucking surprise," said Isabella with a smile. "You're not the person that you used to be."

"I'm definitely not. Being free from that fucking ranch has had, I think, a positive impact on me," said Jamie smiling. "I feel lighter, happier, more confident, & I have you & our beautiful little girl."

Isabella smiled at him & took his hand.

"Te amo(I love you)" said Isabella.

"I love you too, Izzy," said Jamie who then leaned in & kissed his wife.
Meanwhile, back at her hotel, Beth was on the phone with her boss Bryce Cornwall.

"Are you sure you want me to cut my trip short, Bryce?" asked Beth. "So much progress has been made so far."

"Positive, Beth. With what's happening back here in the States, we need you & your ways of killing a company as soon as possible," said Bryce. "Besides I suspect that you may be homesick as well."

"Well, I do hate being away from Rip & Sophia," said Beth.

"As a parent myself, I completely understand," said Bryce. "However, I do need you back as soon as possible. Think you can make it back, Beth?"

"You know I can. I'll try & book the first flight out of Cabo San Lucas as soon as I can," said Beth.

After that, Beth called the airport & booked a flight for early the following morning.

However, as she went to sleep, Beth had no idea that trouble was just around the corner.

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