Part 1

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I have always been admiring this one girl from afar. It was just a silly little crush.

"hey what's her name?" I asked

"Yu Jimin? Yea that's her. She's very popular for being pretty and talented!" Ningning said

"she sure is.." I said as I sing along to her performing 'Love Story'


"okay we need a new members for our debate club guys. Do you all have anyone that you'd think would like to join?" asked Ms.Wendy.

An idea popped up in my head, smiling as I mumbled 'maybe'

"hey do you remember how hard it was for me to get you join debate club?" said Ningning

"yeah, and I said no multiple times yet you still managed to persuaded me."

I'm not the type to join this kind of stuff because I would like to think myself as a quite kid at school who's just trying to survive without basically joining academic stuffs. Sure I like public speaking, but just the thought of having to hear and listens some random nerds talking about controversial issues seems so scary and oh boyyy am I right.

"I know the word you trying to say is 'thank you'. So, youre welcome!" Ningning said with derpy smile .

All I could do is stare at her actions.

"so, who are you going to recruit for our debate club?" Ningning asked


"Me? Im going to ask Yeonjun to join" The boy suddenly interrupt

"That twink? No hate tho but why?" I said

"omg you guys he is so good at debating! Have you seen him yapping before? That mf would definitely be helpful on our team, trust me." He said smiling

"ok Beomgyu, whatever you say" I said and Ningning nodding her head in agreement.

"okay guys! That's all for today's meeting you all may go back home safely." Ms Wendy said.


I'm in my room searching for Jimin's Instagram account just to ask her about joining the team.

"wow she's sure so pretty..." I said admiring her photos on my phone

"a school prefect, a talented person with a charming voice, kind, love cats, what a package" I said smiling

But I suddenly snapped into reality and I immediately press the 'Message' icon to DM her.

"wait what should I say to her?"


"uerghh that sounds so weird"

'you're jimin right? I'm Minjeong, I wanted to say I like how you singing the other day'

"oh my god Minjeong, now youre being weird. This sounds like how to be a creep" I said while rubbing my forehead deleting the message.

"ok ok let's just take it easy" I said

Deep breathes, okay here we go

' hi, I'm minjeong'

Right after I pressed 'SEND' I immediately throw my phone away hiding from embarrasment

*Ding* the notifications pops up

"What!? That's so fast??" I said in shock

From: Jimin

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