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"hey are you okay?" Ningning asked her bestfriend who looks like sweating in nervousness

"honestly? Not really " the nervous girl responded

"it's okay you will do well! I will be rooting for you along with Aeri"

"uh huh..i can see that"

Ningning is holding a banner that says 'WE LOVE YOU MINJEONG'

"Minjeong your performance will starts in 10 minutes. Be ready" Beomgyu said to the girl

"ok see you. You will do great!" Ningning hugged her bestfriend to bid goodbye

"okay thank you Ning"

Winter standing with mixed emotions all over head. She's so scared like what if she messed this up? Oh my god even worse if-

"Win? Are you okay?" asked a girl with worryness

"yeah I'm okay just a little shaky because it's my first time"

"hey, you have me. We have each other, just look at me entire time"

"thank you Jimin"

Smiling, Jimin said "of course Min"

They both practiced for a bit more and it does helps Minjeong in reducing her nervousness. It went well until the announcer said

"everyone give it up to our next performer, our school visual Yu Jimin and Kim Minjeong!"

Everyone cheered and clapping excited for our performance

'ah shit this is getting real' Minjeong said to herself

"hey, let's go?" Jimin said holding Minjeong hand

"let's go"

Minjeong starts of with an interlude of just playing a tune. There's a lot of pressure on her, she feel it even though she didn't even look the audience. The screaming were deafening for her

But the girl next to her looks at her with loving eyes with a most beautiful smile ever.

Suddenly all of those ugly thoughts washed away the moment Minjeong look at her

It's as if there's only Minjeong and Jimin.

Oh the poor girl has fallen too deeply for the slightly taller girl.

"WOOOO THAT'S MY BESTFRIEND GUYS!!" Ningning shouts cheering for Minjeong

"babe get this shit on camera" Ningning commands her girlfriend to videotape

"why?" Aeri asked with phone on her hand

"look at them two! Soo cuteee"

Everyone cheered for the two loudly once the performance ended

Minjeong didn't even realised it at all because she's too occupied looking at the girl next to her

"thank you everyone, that's it from me and Minjeong" Jimin said before leaving the stage intertwining fingers with Minjeong

Some students saw the act and they started to whistling and clapping

"you did great Min!" Jimin said hugged the girl

"you too! I'm so happy!!" Minjeong said as a matter of fact

She has never been this happy to sing with Jimin before and it's all because of her



"girls, we all should celebrate our graduation!" Ningning said hugging her friends

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