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"hey why you look nervous?" Minjeong asked Jimin

"I don't know Min, maybe because there's a lot of people here?" Jimin said in sarcasm

"I'm sorry but hey, Me, Ning and Aeri will be here rooting for you" Minjeong said trying to cheer the girl up

"sorry to bug but you look good Jimin" a voice appears from Minjeong's right side. She looked at the tall, broad shoulder person next to her

"thanks Jeno, I'm nervous though"

'who the hell is this Jeno guy?' Minjeong thinks to herself

"um I'm just gonna go find my seat. Goodluck Jimin" the girl said walking away from the two

She feels something not good when she looked at the two



"bro why there's a lot of people in here? I thought people hates watching stuff like this" Aeri said taking picture of the room

"excuse me?" Ningning look at her girlfriend

"bro I said there's many people"

"yeah I heard you bro.loud and clear" Ningning said in a stern voice that Aeri seems unnoticed

"hey guys sorry for the wait. I was just talking to Jimin and does any of you know who is Jeno? Minjeong said still thinking about the guy earlier

"oh yea he's one of our classmate. Kid is pretty smart. Jimin and him are pretty close" Aeri answered

No wonder why they seem close, a little too close

"guys shh the show's starting" a student next to them said

The audition went on and surprisingly most of them are talented and good

"Jimin is next!" Ningning squeals

Jimin performance was amazing and everyone claps their hands loudly

Minjeong cheered for the girl on the stage loudly with smiles plastered on her face

"Jimin that was amazing!! We are proud of you" Ningning said hugging the girl

"thanks guys. I really hope I made the cut" Jimin said with a hint of nervous

"I'm sure you will. You killed it" Aeri said and Minjeong nod her head in agreement

"let's wait for the announcement" Minjeong said as they went back to their seats

"alright we will now announce who will continue and perform for our upcoming yearly talent show this year" said the announcer

Everyone in the room is filled with nerve-wrecking feeling waiting for the anounncer

"the first person who pass is... Lia!"

Everyone clapped their hands and whistling

"the second goes to... Sohee"

"that's my boyfriend !" heard a voice coming from one of the audiences

"lastly, the lucky one is... Yu Jimin"

"holy shit guys she made it!!" Aeri said clapping her hands trying to kiss Ningning

"bro don't kiss me. Bros don't kiss each other, that's weird" Ningning said pushing her girlfriend away

Minjeong smiles widely and clapping her hands in euphoria



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