Nobody has to know

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"hey I'm outside of your house" Minjeong said on the phone

"yeah I'm coming in 5 minutes" the girl on the phone replied before hangs up the call

Minjeong was only wearing a casual outfit because she didn't have time to change outfit due to her just done with her tuition.

"hey sorry for the wait" Jimin said panting

"it's fine. Plus did you run?" Minjeong said opening the door for the girl

"yea cus I don't want to make you wait too long and wow what a gentleman you are huh Kim Minjeong" she said going inside the car

"um I do this to everyone, please don't flatter yourself Jimin" the blushing girl said closing the door

Is it hot in here or is the AC broken? Should I say something? This is so awkward and the silence is too loud here. Wait can she hear my thoughts? Quick Minjeong, think of something else

"so, have anyone ever ride your car before?" the girl beside her finally spoke

"no, you're the first actually" Minjeong said eyes on the road not dare looking at her crush

"wow? Well then I'm honored!" Jimin said smiling widely

"hey how about we listen to some songs?" The shorter girl said plays music on her carplay radio

"are you usually quiet Minjeong?" Jimin said

"yeah and I always listens to music while I'm driving. I like the loneliness you know, it's not a bad thing. I mean you could be alone with your thoughts, and it makes you reflects on things and I embrace it" Minjeong was about to continue but stops as the girl next to her look at her in a unreadable expression


"nothing, it's just my first time hearing you talk this long" Jimin said laughing

"ugh Jimin please stop laughing" Minjeong said embarrassed

"okay okay I will. Although I like it when you talk more about stuffs its cute" Jimin said leaving Minjeong in shock but stay calm

"okay missy, I will. Anyway we have arrive"



As we were walking inside the café, everybody eyes was locked with Jimin. Jimin wears a casual outfit with cardigan and makeup. She surely so beautiful. I looked at our hands, wonder what it felt like to touch it, intertwine, bet it looks good and cute

"so Kim, I thought we were going to a fast food restaurant?" Jimin said eyebrows wiggled

"I wasn't feeling it. So I wanted to bring you here instead. Why? is there a problem with it miss Yu?" Minjeong says using the same tone as the latter

"no no I'm good. Let's eat!" the girl said taking Minjeong hand to their table

Guess my wish has come true.

"you only drink a coffee and 2 donuts? Minjeong are you even full with only those?" Jimin said worriedly

"duhh, don't worry. I'm okay and yes, I'm full with just these"

Liar. Minjeong knew damn well she's too nervous to eat her usual spaghetti carbonara in front of Jimin. Hell because it's her first time taking anyone out and let alone her crush! even Ningning never been out with her

"hmm if you're okay with it" Jimin said as she starts to eat her food



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