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That morning Minjeong wakes up as early as 6 am because she's excited to go out on a morning walk with her crush, Jimin. Minjeong packs her polaroid camera and blushing to herself thinking how nice it must be if she's and Jimin are actually in a real relationships. She knew she will fight for it, she has to.

"okay mochi, you have to guard the house okay? Don't do anything stupid" said the girl while petting the cat


Her phone vibrates, a message from Jimin

'text me if you are here. But please don't be in a rush I still need to get ready'

She look at the time, it's 7am

'okay Jimin. Take your time then' Minjeong replied

She arrives at Jimin's house exactly 8:10 am. Sure enough Jimin's a little clumsy maybe because it's too early for her. She look so cute, with a little bit of a messy bang maybe she fell asleep while waiting for Minjeong.

'She is not a morning person' Minjeong thought to herself

"hi Min I'm sorry I look like a crazy person. I accidently fell asleep" said the girl closing the passenger seat

Smiling, Minjeong said "yea figured it once you leave the house. It's okay though you can continue to sleep in the car"

"no no it's okay I feel refresh already" while putting her right hand at her chest indicating that she is fine

Minjeong laughs

"okay princess. Sit tight" Minjeong said buckling the girl's seatbelt

Jimin was flustered by the gesture but shake it off anyway


Sure enough, Jimin's a betrayer. She fell asleep 10 minutes in the drive and Minjeong took a couple pictures of Jimin sleeping because she thought it was funny. The whole ride was filing with Minjeong humming to the songs played on her playlist. It was very nice and Minjeong enjoyed it.

'feeling refresh' my ass

"hey sleepyhead. Wake up" Minjeong shakes the sleeping girl

No answer

"jimin, please wake up we have arrive"

Again, no answer

Frustrated, Minjeong turns the girls body that was facing the door to her. She tuck a couple hair strains to the side of ear

"please wake up Jimin we are here" The girl said with slightly loud soft tone to the girl

"hmm? We arrive?"


"yes and I've been trying to wake you for the past 2 minutes"

Jimin open her eyes and the first thing she saw was how close her face and Minjeong was.

Minjeong looks so pretty up-close

Has she been this beautiful?


"uhm sorry I feel asleep" Jimin said clears her throat

"yea no kidding miss 'I feel refresh' " Minjeong jokingly said to the girl

Both of them went to a park where there's a hill that you can climb and rest. They were heading over there

"this feels nice" Jimin said as she feels the breeze hits her face

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