Date With You

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"hey Minjeong, so how was the practice session with Jimin?" Ningning asks.

They are laying in Minjeong's bedroom because apparently ever since Ningning knows about Minjeong crush on Jimin, she wants to involve in hope that she will help Minjeong to win Jimin because she is 'best love matchmaker'

"everything going well, but she wants me to join her on the stage." Minjeong sighs

" wait why?" Ningning asked

"apparently she found out that I can sing and she wants me to play the guitar"

"and you agree?"

"took me a while but yes"

"wow you're in love"

"hm?" Minjeong asks weirded out by the question

"i treid to convince you back then to join singing competitions, you reluctantly reject my offer multiple times. But with Jimin, you're willing to throw your inhibitions away just to sing with her. Minjeong that says a lot" her bestfriend said making Minjeong realize something

I do love her. I've fallen too hard for her now, there's no turning back

"Minjeong, I don't want you to hurt yourself in the process okay. Please, be careful. Sometimes loving someone unconditionally can leads us to losing ourselves without even realising it before it's too late" her friend reminds her

"don't worry Ning, I know"

After a little more gossiping they eat while watching Toy story 2 in Ningning request.

"that was a good movie Min" Ningning said stretching her body

"Ning, I think you should stay here for tonight. I mean it's getting late already" Minjeong said looking at the clock


"okay you're right. Let me text my mom you can go wash up first" her friend said texting seems like her mother



Minjeong keeps thinking about Jimin the whole time she's washing her face. Surely she wants Jimin so much so why is she so scared? Jimin is nice, always there for her. They both have so much in common, they both likes cat, enjoys sunrise and passionate about their passion. Her heart skips a beat remembering how Jimin always holds her hands whenever they are together.

"babe you sure?"

Minjeong heard someone talking in a soft tone yet not too loud

"okay if you say so. Bye"

"Ning, who are you talking to?" Minjeong asked

"umn Aeri.."

"are you two dating?" Minjeong asked one eyebrow lift up


"WHAT?" Minjeong said in a loud tone but in whisper

"we started dating last week ago Min. I didn't have the right time to tell you cus you were busy with Jimin" Ningning said as she going inside bathroom to wash up



Ningning had to go back home early the next morning and Minjeong still asleep in her bed doesn't seem to care about the fact that her phone rings multiple times. As the clock strikes 11 am, she finally awake but with annoyed . checking her phone, 3 missed call from Jimin, 2 message from Aeri. Quickly she dialled Jimin.

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