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"before declaring a war, all members of congress must eat a sweet treat" said the girl

"what is she even stating??" Beomgyu looks at Minjeong and she just shrugged.

"Oh shut up Gyu, listen if all the congress eat a sweet treat the rage that they once feeling must've reduced hence we won't have any war or violence against each other." The girl said standing up

"oh my god is she even serious-"

Laughing out loud, I punch his shoulder

"she kinda has a point. But hey, don't take it seriously" I said smiling

"ugh can't believe she's sometimes could be so unserious" the boy said closing his tablet

"anyway, Minjeong why can't we take driving classes together?? I thought we agreed to take it together" Ningning asked with mouth full with bread

"Ning, like I said my dad signed me up late. It's okay maybe we will collide if our schedule ends up on the same day?" Winter said drinking her strawberry milk

"oh good for yall, I haven't yet. I'm thinking taking it with soob" the boy said

"oh god please don't. You can't even drives a go kart" Ningning said eyeing the latter up and down

"for tenth time, it was a go kart! The kid hit my kart so basically he's asking for it"

"really? You were banned over there because you made the kid cry. A kid." Ningning shot back

"well I don't regret it at all." He said smirking

Smiling at the two, Minjeong didn't say anything and continues to eat until the bell rings




"hey you seemed a bit happier today. Did anything good happened?"

"oh no, nothing. I'm just in a good mood today Ning"

No I'm lying. Something did happened last week, Jimin followed me on Instagram after our conversation the other day. I even brag about it to my cat as if she would understand what I'm saying.

"okay buddy, if you say so. Now c'mon let's go to Mr.Baekhyun chemistry lab before he gets mad if we late" Ningning said leading me in a hurry

Well, we were late anyway because apparently Ningning went to school student store supplies to buy her so-called 'limited edition Mogu Mogu'

"god Ning I swear Mr.Beakhyun is going to kill us if you not hurry this instant" Minjeong said looking at her watch on the wrist

"wait! They even got a new flavor of this chocolate" the girl said eyes beaming as if she just win a lottery

I was watching Ningning actions before suddenly I heard a familiar voice walked past by me and I knew who it belonged. Surely it's Jimin and Aeri walking down the hallway past us. My eyes immediately tracking her movements. Is it normal having this type of crush? Ah who cares, it's just a silly crush.

"on a second thought Ning, go ahead take your time." I said eyes never leaving the tall girl




*it's the weekend*

"okay do you remember what I said?" the instructor asked

"yeah, start the engine waits for the blue lights thingy to turns off and then we are good to go" Minjeong said nervously

"no Minjeong. The first rule is to wear a seatbealt" the instructor said looking at her sternly

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