Risk it all

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"hey Min, can I come over to your house today? I want to practice my singing with you" Jimin said at the girl leaning at the locker

"sure no big deal" Minjeong answers

This is a big deal

"do I need to pick you up?" Minjeong asks

"no need to, Aeri will give me a lift plus she said she wants to see your house" the taller girl state her reason

"ookey see you at 4pm" Minjeong said as she gathers her stuff

"okay Min see you"




"Jimin, what do you think about Minjeong?" Aeri ask in the car

"small, cute, very smart and secretive" Jimin said

"why you ask?"

"nothing, just wondering you know. I mean you and her hit off well" Aeri said making a turn with her steering wheel

"we does right? She's so cute! I love her"Jimin said smiling widely

"I hope you know what you are doing" Aeri mumble to herself




'I'm gonna bend 'til I break
And you'll be my favorite mistake
I wish you could hold me, here shakin'
You're the risk, I'm gonna take it
Why aren't you here in my bedroom?'

Minjeong sings while playing her guitar in her bedroom

"we're here" Jimin said as Aeri stops her car

"wow why she hasn't invite me over her house? It's massive the hell" Aeri said admiring the big entrance

"I told you, she's very private about her life. I will tell her you said hi" Jimin said as she steps out of her car

"okay girlie, bye I have a date with Ning" Aeri said

"wait what?!" Jimin shocked

"I said bye!" her friend said before speeding away

'Heard the risk is drowning, but I'm gonna take it'

"hello ma'am I'm Minjeong's friend"

"ahh yes, please come in, Minjeong is upstairs and just make it feel like home" Minjeong mom said welcoming the girl

"I will, thank you" Jimin said as she excuses herself to Minjeong room

'Too soon to tell you "I love you"
Too soon to tell you "I love you"
You're the risk, I'm gonna take it'

"you can sing! Wow " The girl said amazed making the smaller girl flinch

"oh god! Jimin you scared me!" Minjeong said holding her chest making Jimin laugh

"I'm sorry I can't help it but wow?? Kim Minjeong can sing this whole time?" Jimin said closing the bedroom door stepping closer to the girl

"I mean I'm not that good like you but this is just a hobby of mine" Minjeong said putting her guitar aside

"you're kidding me right? Please Minjeong you sounds so good!! We should sing together for the graduation " Jimin said excitedly

"no Jimin, I can't I'm shy" Minjeong said with red face

"aww you're red that's cute" Jimin said pinching Minjeong cheeks

"stop it seriously " Minjeong said looking away

"not until you agree to sing with me on the stage" Jimin said still holding the cheek

"Jimin I'm serious, I can't. you better off sing alone. I love seeing you shine,you look so beautiful on the stage." Minjeong confessed

Jimin immediately lets go of her hands that were pinching the latter cheeks

Fuck did I said something bad?

"i-I'm sorry Jimin-"

"no, it's fine. It's just that I'm suprised when you said that. No one ever really say that to me" jimin said feeling flutters in her stomach

"oh.. lol look at you, who's embarrassed now??" Minjeong said playfully

"oh please" Jimin said rolls her eyes

"no but for real, I love seeing you on the stage Jimin" Minjeong said as a matter of fact

She surely love it, hell she even has videos of Jimin performing on the stage

"thank you Min" Jimin said smiling genuinely

"okay let's start our practice" Minjeong clears her throat

Why is it hot in here suddenly



'That when I talk to you, oh, Cupid walks right through
And shoots an arrow through my heart'

Jimin sings while Minjeong plays the guitar

'And I sound like a loon, but don't you feel it too?
Confess I loved you from the start'

Jimin signals Minjeong to sing the next part

'Confess I loved you
Just thinking of you
I know I've loved you from the start'

Minjeong sings the last part locking eyes with Jimin

Oh only if you know what I'm feeling right now Jimin..

"yeyy we're done! That was good Min" Jimin said breaking the eye contact that seems like forever

"yes, although there's a few part where I need to altered more to match with your speed" Minjeong said as she strumming her guitar

"Min, can you play the guitar for me for our graduation? I really want you to be on the stage with me . please this is our last year plus I really feel much more comfortable singing with you" Jimin said feeling hopeful

Minjeong feel something in her stomach as she heard the girl.

Does she like me? No way

Maybe there is a chance between me and Jimin after all

Is it worth it?

"Minjeong? Please?"

Fuck it I'm going to risk it all

"yeah sure, I will be on the stage with you Jimin" Minjeong finally speaks

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