it's you

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The next morning, the two go out to buy groceries at a local market.

"why are you even following me Jimin?" Minjeong said to the girl next to her who's pushing the cart

"I'm getting better Min and plus I wanted to cook for us tonight!" Jimin smiles

Minjeong puts her hand on Jimin's forehead, feeling the warmth reduce she nods her head

"what are you going to make?" Minjeong ask

"spaghetti for us! You love them right"

The two goes on shopping for the ingredients and ended with Jimin panting inside the car feeling a bit tired

"wow I thought you said you're getting better?" Minjeong teases

"I am! It's just that their AC is not strong" Jimin said still trying to sound strong

Chuckles,"let's go get us some breakfast?" Minjeong said as she drives

"you really do sings good, mind singing more for me?" Jimin said as she listens to Minjeong singing along to songs

"how about we both sing together? Here I'm going to be Ariana and you cover Justin" Minjeong said as she plays 'Stuck with U'

The car ride fills with Minjeong and Jimin singing to songs until they arrives to eat their breakfast

"okay team! That was great" Minjeong said high fiving Jimin

"I know! We made such a great team" Jimin laughs

Jimin and Minjeong walks together and Jimin tried to hold Minjeong hands but she just testing the water by brushing their hands together

Seems like Minjeong is fine by it so she just try to hold one pinky, turns into two fingers and eventually their hands intertwined

Jimin looks at their hands, smiling in triumph

"what can I get for you two?" the waiter ask

"one pancake please" Minjeong ordered

"same with her" Jimin replies

"coming right up" the waiter said smiling a bit too long at Jimin

"geez what's with him?" Jimin said looks away

"he likes you?" Minjeong brows wiggles

"ew no Min, he's not my type and he smiles like a creep" Jimin laughs

After few minutes, their food arrives

"here, one pancake for you and another one for you" the waiter said winked at Jimin who laughs in awkwardness

"he is a creep" Minjeong said eyeing the waiter

"really! He makes me uncomfortable"

After they done with the breakfast, Minjeong told Jimin to wait outside while she pays

"hey! sorry but you immediately catch my attention from earlier and I can't stop looking at you. My name's John" the guy said

"thanks, but if you're going to ask for my number well then sorry John I can't give you" Jimin said

The guy leans closer to Jimin making Jimin backens

"why not? I can take you out on a date, I can make you happy" the guy said holding Jimin wrists tight

"let me go!" Jimin said struggling trying to free her hand from the grip

"no! give me your phone number or else" the guy threatened

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