Taking Care of You

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"Jimin!" Minjeong catches the girl before her head hits floor

Minjeong looks at Jimin for a moment. She looks pale, her body is feverish and she looks very ill

Immediately Minjeong carried Jimin in bridal style to her bed room

"gosh, you're body is hot" Minjeong said to herself as she went outside the room to grab some patch cooler

Jimin wakes up with a cooler patch on her forehead and as if it's on cue, Minjeong comes with food and medicines on a tray

Jimin face heats up looking at Minjeong wide eyes

"h-how did you get here? Where is Aeri?" Jimin looks around

"she's not here but she came by to drop the medicine. Jimin, you fainted earlier. Are you okay? I was worried about you" Minjeong said in a soft tone making Jimin melted

"I'm just a bit sick. Sorry if I burden you Min. you can go back home if you want to I'm fine" Jimin said trying to look nonchalant

"hmm okay if you say so" Minjeong nods her head. Jimin's heart wanted to scream 'don't go' but she can't

"at least, eat first?" Minjeong said as she looks at Jimin

Turning her head to face Minjeong, she took a few spoonful of porridge just to make the latter feel happy. Sure enough, Minjeong smiles

"why are you here Min?" Jimin ask as she feeding herself more porridge

"oh yea, here I want to drop this jacket that you lend me. Thanks Jimin" Minjeong said as she point the jacket that are hanging on the rack

"oh.." Jimin faces become gloomy suddenly

"is something wrong?" Minjeong asked holding Jimin's chin to face her

Shaking her head softly, Jimin mouthes a 'no'

Still, Minjeong doesn't buy it so she thinks of a way to cheer the girl up. An idea popped up in her head

"why don't we watch Shin Chan together? You love them!" Minjeong said as she laying down next to Jimin opening Shin Chan on her phone

Jimin looks at the girl's action. Unsure what to do so she moves further from Minjeong

"why are you away from me? Here, you will see it clearly" Minjeong commands as she scoop Jimin's waist close to her

'What the fuck Kim Minjeong' jimin thinks to herself

"you okay?" Minjeong turns her head facing the blushing girl. Thank go if weren't because of her fever, she would be caught

For the first time, Jimin feels at ease. She feels so protected and safe by Minjeong. She watches the show after swallow few pills and she fall asleep on Minjeong hands



Jimin wakes up at night, her head hurts

She look next to her and sure enough Minjeong is not there. She hates this.

Lazily, she go and washes herself and go order a food since she can't really cook due to her state

"why are you not here" Jimin mumbles to herself staring into the void

Suddenly the door ring bells

Jimin went to the door thinking it's her food

To her surprise, it's Aeri

"hey! Oh look at you, better now. Is it because of Minjeong?" Aeri teased

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