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Minjeong were rushed to the nurse room all with Yunjin carried her.

"I'm sorry for causing you trouble" Minjeong said as the nurse gives her antibiotic pill

"you have a low blood sugar, please remember to always have your breakfast especially on a day like this" scolded the nurse to the small girl

Minjeong only nods an gives a 'I'm sorry' look to the nurse

Looking worried, Yunjin offered to stay with Minjeong and wait until she gets better the girl insisted saying she will be fine

"you sure? Min, I can stay here you know?" Yunjin ask feeling unsure leaving the girl

"yes I am, plus you need to go. Your high jump is about to start in 20 minutes! Go! Don't waste your time here" Minjeong said shooing the girl away

"okay but I promise I will be back to you" Yunjin said leaving the room in a rush



Jimin POV

"baby? Did you see what happened? I hope she's fine" Jeno said as they watch Minjeong carried away to the nurse's office

Jimin doesn't know why but her heart aches seeing Minjeong hurt

"um do you want anything? I'm gonna get something to eat so should you too babe" Jimin said as an idea popped up inside her head

"yeah a coffee bread would be nice" Jeno said wiping his sweats with a towel

"sure be right back" Jimin said as she went to nearest convenient store

Jimin pick a bread, strawberry milk along with a Kitkat to buy. She smiles as she looks at the strawberry milk.

She went on walking towards the nurse's office and before she could open the door, she overheard the conversation between Minjeong and Yunjin

"I can stay here you know"

No please say no Min

"yes I am, plus you need to go. Your high jump is about to start in 20 minutes! Go! Don't waste your time here"

Jimin smiles in victory and she doesn't even know why but when she heard the door handle being fumble she immediately hides herself before she got caught

Seeing Yunjin leaving the room she braces herself to whatever about to come before made her way inside

End of Jimin POV

Minjeong turns her head as she smelled a familiar scent that she loves

Jimin is standing close to her with a unreadable expression on her face

"what are you doing here Jimin?" Minjeong said in a cold tone

That tone made Jimin breath hitched. Slowly she made her way to Minjeong but the girl stops her before she could close the gap

"no stay there, Jimin."

"I'm worried about you Min" Jimin said making Minjeong face softens

"I know you hate me but please at least take this? I promise you I will not get close to you. I will stand here and watch you eat" Jimin said handing out the plastic bag that was filled with what she bought earlier

Minjeong knows deep down she couldn't say no to the girl no matter how hard she tries. But she's tryna prove the girl that she doesn't want to see her so she looks away

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