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A few months has passed and the relationship between Minjeong and Jimin became strong. Both of them often hang out together and safe to say that no one has expected anything about Minjeong feelings towards the girl. Not that Minjeong say anything about it.

"so in a few weeks, we will graduate high school" Aeri said

They are sitting at a cafeteria altogether with Minjeong,Jimin,Aeri and Ningning

"yeah it seems so fast like I can't wait to enroll in college" Jimin said munching her lunch

"what are you planning to sing Jimin? I mean you have to perform for the last time before this school lose their star" Ningning speaks

"yeah about that, I'm thinking 'From The Start' by Laufey" Jimin replied

"wait you like Laufey??" Minjeong asks like a 5 year old who got candy

"yup! You introduced her to me remember? I really love her voice so much" Jimin says smiling

She remembers that I like Laufey..

"wow thank god you not going for a ballad 'cus it's pretty jaded" Aeri said wiping her invisible sweat

"I did think about it but yeah it's just so overrated and cringe too" Jimin agrees

"so today after school, mall?" Ningning said

"sorry Ning, have to pass because Minjeong have to send me home quick and I have a family dinner" Jimin said

"wow wait, Jimin you're going home with Minjeong? How long have you been doing this and is this why you suddenly come to school earlier than usual?" Aeri said

"Minjeong, care to explain?" her bestfriend asks

Right. None of them knew

"yeah we didn't tell anyone because we didn't think it's a big deal" Jimin cuts

"y-yeah Ning, I was the one who offered her to ride with me" Minjeong said as Jimin nods her head

But something about Ningning look that she can't decipher and it scares her. She felt exposed to her bestfriends as if she could see right through Minjeong body. But Minjeong just act nonchalant anyway

"alright if you say so" Ningning said continuing to eat

"so only you and me I guess" Aeri said





"sorry for the wait. Let's go?" Jimin said as she hold out her hand

They have been holding hands everytime they both walk together, it's a habit. Everytime Minjeong hold Jimin's hands the feelings are so hard to describe as if her fear just swept away in instant. She loved the feeling of it, it makes her feel safe.

"hey do you mind if we stop at the gas station? I need to fill the gas" Minjeong said as they are on their way

"yeah sure take your time" Jimin said as she humming to the song that plays on the radio

The playlist that Minjeong made just for the two of them

As they arrive at the nearest gas station, Jimin had already dozed off by the side of the window.

"cute" Minjeong says as she took a photo of Jimin sleeping peacefully

Minjeong loves Jimin so much. So much that she has a whole list about Jimin in her notes app in her phone.



"hey we have arrive Jimin, wake up" Minjeong said to the person next to her

The girl stretch her arms out

"I'm sorry I dozed off Min" Jimin said yawning

"it's okay, I didn't want to disturb your sleep anyway" Minjeong said as a matter of fact

"thank you for the ride Min. see you tomorrow" Jimin said hugging the latter





"haish why am I feeling this type of way for her Mochi?" the girl asks the cat


"if only you could speak, it'll be so much easier for me to understand you" Minjeong said lying on her bed

There's a knock on her door.

"Min, Ningning wants to see you, I invite her in" Her mom said to the girl


Isn't she supposed to be with Aeri at the mall?

"tell her to come in here mom"

Soon after Ningning went upstairs to her bedroom

"there you are!" her bestfriend beam in a happy tone

"cut to the chase, what you want Ning?" The girl ask

"I just wanted to my bestfriend is that so wrong?"

"no, you're lying. You're supposed to be at the mall with Aeri." again, the girl is not buying anything her bestfriend is saying

"ugh fine. I come here to talk to you" Ninging says in defeated

"about what?"

"our history homework, it's so hard and confusing" Ninging says as she taking out her papers




"Ning, that's not the answer. you should write it in an essay form not short essay" Minjeong said teaching her friend

"ughh but I don't have the brain like you Min. pleaseee give me the answer" Ningning said eating the cookies that was serve by Minjeong mom

"you can do this, use your brain" Minjeong says focused on her phone seems like replying to someone

"what are you doing? Who are you texting?" Ningning asks making Minjeong turn off her phone quickly

She was texting Jimin about what are they both doing and how Jimin argues how boring the family dinner is.

"no one Ning, I was watching this funny video-"

"you like her don't you?"


"Jimin. You like her"

"n-no I don't. we're just friends"

"Minjeong, you can't lie to me and you know it"

It's true, she can't lie about her feelings because sooner or later Ninging will know

"yeah..i do like her Ning" Minjeong said looking down

"how long?" her bestfriend ask

"I don't know to be honest. All I know is that the feeling is real Ning, it's not just a dumb crush" Minjeong confessed

"what about Jimin?" Ningning ask

"what about her?"

"does she feel the same?"

"I don't know, we both always flirt with each other here and there. But never really say anything about it." Minjeong says feeling confused

"you both does getting along well. It's okay Min take it slow no need to rush" Ninging reassuring her friend

"thank you Ning" Minjeong said feeling thankful

Right no need to rush

"are you going to ask her out tho?" Nigning ask

"I don't know yet to be honest because the feeling is not mutual..yet?" Minjeong says thinking

"yeah let's stop talk about this please give me the answer, princess" Ningning said pointing her paper

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