Starting Again

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A month passes by and Minjeong enrolling in her new university

"yeyy we are in the same class" Ningning said happily

"...again" Minjeong said

"what you don't like it?" Ningning shots back looking at the girl like she's about to murder her

"no no I mean wowww im veryyy happyyy Ning!" Minjeong said trying smiling awkwardly

"seems like we all are at least only for this class though" Aeri said

All three of them assign in the same class for English literature.

"shit I gotta go be right back" Aeri said leaving the two

"hmm what should we do first?" Ningning said cheekily

"how about we sit and wait?" Minjeong replied

"oh you're no fun"

"uh I'm lazy and plus there's a lot of people here Ning, we might get lost"

"uhm sorry but do you know where's the toilet is?" unfamiliar voice approaches them

"sorry we also don't know" Minjeong said smiling at the stranger

"owh too bad I really need to go pee, well then it's nice knowing you. I'm Yunjin" the stranger said reaching her hand to shake

Minjeong shakes the girl hand "nice to know you, I'm Minjeong and this is Ningning"

Ningnin shakes Yunjin hand with a loud 'nice knowing you's

"You guys are funny and you are cute, see you guys around" Yunjin said to the two

"wow Minjeong, seems like someone's into you" Ningning said eye brows wiggle

"no Ning, she's being friendly" Minjeong laughs

"hey guys sorry I was searching for her" Aeri said as someone stands next to her




"uhm hi guys, sorry for being MIA" Jimin said looking everywhere except Minjeong

"yeah figured, I mean look at you posting here and there online" Ningning said jokingly

Jimin laughs at the girl playful joke

Minjeong stayed silent the whole time she feels awkward and it's eating her up

"hey sorry, I gotta go to the toilet I'll will be quick" Minjeong excuses herself

"shit sorry I forgot" Aeri said just realising what's going on

"hey no it's not your fault. I will try talk to her" Jimin said reassuring Aeri

"you haven't talk to her?" Ningning asked

"not yet"

"oh god no wonder why she looks so awkward" Ningning said taking mental note to punch her girlfriend

With a help of other students, she found the toilet. Minjeong went inside the toilet and immediately washes her face

'it's okay Minjeong, breathe' she said to herself

"here, take this, it helps with nervousness" a voice suddenly appears

"thanks Yunjin appriacte it" Minjeong said as she takes the chewing gum and puts it inside her pocket

"what are you nervous about?" Yunjin asked

"you know, having to talk to many people. It's one of my weakness" Minjeong half lied

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