Part Three

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Duncan's POV-part 3

We sit down and play another game instead.

And guess what the game is?

Seven minutes in heaven.

We all sit down and spin the same bottle we used for the last game.

It lands on Heather and Jose.

Heather:"don't try anything!"

Jose:"says you!"

They both go in the closet and we all listened in.

Heather:"move your arms!"

Jose:"well sorry the closet is crammed what do you expect?"

Spoil alert! They only lasted 2 mins.

The bottle goes again.

Mia's POV

The bottle lands on Jose and Liam.

Jose:"dude don't try nothing gay on me."

Liam:"YOU shouldn't!"

They sit in the closet quietly.

Everyone else went to go see what they were doing.

I stayed back.

Heathers POV

I saw that Mia didn't come to be nosy with us so I followed her.

I got half way until I felt something on my shoulder.

Alejandro:"hey you ok mi amor?"

I look at him annoyed.

Heather:"I was spying!"

Alejandro:"on who?"

Heather:"never mind let's go!" I yelled.

He looks at me offended and rolls his eyes.

Alejandro:"I don't like this attitude you've got but it better snap back to where it came from!"

He pins me on the wall.

I feel my face getting hot.

Alejandro:"you heard me."

Heather:"sure I did Mr taco."

He gave me a kiss then carried me back while I was still mad at him.

Yep. I picked the right one.

Courtney's POV

When Liam and Jose got out the closet, Mia came back with cookies.

Mia:"food anyone?"

Izzy:"I'll take two!"

Mia throws izzy two of them like their volleyballs or whatever.

Izzy catches on of them with her mouth and the other with her hand and hands it to Eva.

Eva smiles.


Noah:"wow the couple gets cookies! What a shocker!"

Duncan:"shut up nerd! You're just mad you ain't found anyone!"

Harold:"according to-"

Duncan grabs Harold by the shirt.

Duncan:"mention one more smart butt-"

Geoff stops him.

Geoff:"dudes! It's a party! Stop!"

We all stop and Bridgette comes and stands beside me.

Duncan still had Harold by his shirt and the cops bust through the door.


I give Duncan a glare.

Courtney:"what in the flipping universe DID YOU DO NOW?!"

Duncan looks at me.

Duncan:"Courtney I don't even know what I did I work with the cops! I AM a COP!"

Cop 2:"you have the right to remain silent..." the cops voice starts fading away, while walking away with Duncan.

Bridgette comes to me and I start crying.

Courtney:"what am I gonna do now? What did he even do that jerk!"

Bridgette:"Courtney it's ok-"

Courtney:"it's not ok! Nothing is ok!"

I run outside to the cop car while it's pouring rain.
I ask the cop a question.

Courtney:"what did he even do?"

Cop 1:"apparently we got an anonymous call about some dude with a mow hawk, stealing others stuff and pick pocketing other people's pockets."

Duncan looks at me scared.

And that's when I knew, he didn't do anything at all.

As soon as I was about to ask another question, the cop car drives away.

I ran after it in the pouring rain and the others were yelling at me to come back.

After 5 minutes of running, I gave up and sat in the middle of the street crying.

Why would the person I love the most do that?

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