Part One

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Courtney's POV-part 1

Ten years after the accident.

Everyone's graduated, besides izzy of course.

And other people.

And I get to be my own lawyer.

And you won't believe what Duncan is.

He's a police officer!

Duncan walks in to our house.

Duncan:"hey princess! You doing ok?"

I sit at the counter with my head down on the table.

Courtney:"yea it's just I keep throwing up."

Duncan:"you sure you're not pregnant or anything?"

Courtney:"Duncan! Of course I'm not!"

Duncan:"sure princess..."

Courtney:"stop being a Neanderthal and go get me a sandwich!" I yelled.

Duncan:"ok just calm the attitude down please."

He brings me one.

I sit up and give him a kiss.

Courtney:"thank you."
Duncan:"my pleasure, princess."

We sit down and talk for a bit until he gets called back in.

Heathers POV

I'm sitting on the couch with a bag of chips

Alejandro walks up to me, with his new jeans he got the other day.

Alejandro:"hey mi amor! How do I look?" He says doing the dumbest poses I've ever seen.

Heather:"you look stupidly hot-" I get paused

Alejandro:"thanks gorgeous."

Me and Alejandro were watching dancing animals on tv.

I got him to like the show!!

Alejandro gets up.

Alejandro:"aww sorry babe, I got called in to the mechanics! I'll see you later ok?"

He kisses me before he leaves.

Heather:"you better bring back some cookie dough ice cream!" I yelled.

He rolls his eyes.

Alejandro:"yes I will mi amor! " he says blowing me a kiss.

Izzy's POV

Me and Ava are baking cookies!

Ava:"pass me the dough."


Ava:"izzy, the cookie dough."

Ava's worked on herself about her anger and has been taking anger management classes.

I think for her it's going good!

Ava snatches the cookie dough.

Ava:"thank you izzy."

I roll my eyes.

Ava:"don't give me an attitude."

Izzy:"wouldn't it be so cool if I got kidnapped again and everyone thought i was dead?"

Ava closed my mouth.

Ava:"I swear izzy, do NOT jinx's US!" She yelled.

I hugged her.

Izzy:"fine I'm sorry."

We were laughing and having fun.

Liam's POV

Me and Jose are hanging at this new restaurant, "Peters Pancakes."

Jose:"bro I still can't believe you and Charolette have been Bestfriends for the past 9 years and you won't get together!"

Liam:"Jose, I don't need a girlfriend I'm fine-" I got paused.

Jose:"you so stubborn!!"

Liam:"says the one who's with Mia." I mumbled.

Jose:"what's wrong with her?"

Liam:"i don't know, maybe the fact that she does some pretty crazy things like izzy."

Jose:"whatever she's pretty, sweet-" I paused him.
Liam:"yuck! Don't tell me dude!"

We enjoyed our breakfast.

Justin's POV

Im finally out of jail.

After 10 stubborn years.

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