Part 13

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?? POV:

The mall falls down.


All theses years, Justin did it.

I did it.

This has been on his bucket list for years.

And it's done.

It all fell down.

Izzy's POV

We found out I had food poisoning from thoses stupid grilled cheeses from the freezer.

Eva:"izzy you look really pale do you want some water?"

Izzy:"I'm fine."

Eva:"no your not."

Izzy:"I'm really hungry."

Eva:"ok I'll make you something to eat."

I give her a soft smile as she gives me a soft kiss on the head.

Eva:"get some sleep you dummy."

Alejandro's POV

Me and Heather went to the movies.

Heather:"Ugg! Stop stealing my food!"

I roll my eyes.

Heather:"don't EVER do that again ok? That's my thing."

Alejandro:"mi amor just watch the movie."

Heather crossed her arms.


I kiss her.

She blushed.

There now she will shut up.

I giggle.

Heather:"don't even."

Courtney's POV

I turned on the tv and saw the news.

News reporter:"the towns mall has fell. This mall
was 234 years old and has been in this town since my great great great grandpa. This town meant a lot to us, and our community. It's sad to see it fall. we don't know who did it, but as soon as we find out, they will be arrested. Goodbye towns mall."

My jaw dropped.

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