Part 17

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??-1 POV

I got arrested.

And they put me in a room by myself, isolated.

I sat there until, they brought a detective.


We sat at a table together, alone in the room.

Detective:" Hi I'm not gonna tell you my name, but you may as well tell me yours!"


??-1:"my name is-"

Duncan's POV

Me and Courtney were chilling, having fun.

Courtney looks at me scared.

I'm very concerned.

Duncan:"what's wrong?"

Courtney:"shut up!" She whispered.

Now I'm getting more worried.


Courtney:"do you hear that?"

We were silent for a minute and heard the noises that were being made.

Then all of a sudden, my instincts were telling me to hide.


Duncan get your girlfriend and hide.


He's coming!


I grabbed court.

Duncan:"princess, we need to hide now!"


Duncan:"trust me."


Duncan:"shut up and get in the closet!"

Courtney:"are you-"

I shoved her in the closet and joined her.

Courtney:"Duncan! What in the world?"

Duncan:"someone's coming, shh."

Izzy's  POV

Eva was watching the news.

I was making us popcorn, because it was our one billion anniversary.  (I really don't remember the date) and we were just gonna chill.

Until something caught my eye.

New reporter:"it has brought you to my attention that we have found a victim who helped destroy the towns mall, their name was-"

I can't believe it.

Justin's POV

Me and Mia were riding in her car.

Mia= Driver

Justin= Passenger

Justin:"Are we there yet?" I pleaded.

Mia:"not yet you dork!" She yelled.

She swerved around a corner.

We finally made it.

Bridgette and Courtney's House.

Mia pulled out the duffel bag.

Mia:"now, you knock them out first, then kill them ok? Don't mess this up you goof ball."

Justin:"whatever I'm not five!" I said.

I threw a rock and broke the window as a distraction.

Mia:"Finally, you use the big forehead of yours to think for your own good!"

Justin:"stuff it."

I broke down the door and yelled.


Dang it! They hid!

I was looking every corner for them, until I turned around and saw the cops, with Mia in handcuffs.


Cop 1:"hey look! It's the same dude we arrested ten years ago!"

Cop 2:"yea let's get him!"

I got put in handcuffs, along with Mia.

Cop 1:"you may have been in jail for ten years, but this time it's for life."

Goodbye to my life for good this time.

But wait...

How did they know?

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