Part Six

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Izzy's POV

Justin was in the trunk.

Justin:"hey gorgeous, thanks for letting me out that trunk."

I roll my eyes.

Izzy:"wow even after 10 YEARS IN JAIL you're still the same."

Justin grabs my hand and gives it a soft kiss.

Justin:"and you're still the crazy maniac I dated one time."

Izzy:"I have a girlfriend."

Justin:"oh yea? So you're gay?"

Izzy:"I'm lesbian."

Justin:"hmm well let me undo that."

I tried to push him off and then.

Justin kissed me.

Eva's POV

I walk outside to see izzy kissing Justin.


I run back inside crying.

Everyone looks confused because I'm not a person that looks like they would cry.

I ran to the bathroom and sat there for a while.

Jose's POV

Eva just ran in crying and izzy chased after her.

Izzy:"Eva! It's not what it looks like I swear!"


Eva started throwing things around.

I walked up to the door.

Jose:"Eva it's me what's wrong?"

Eva explained.

Jose:"izzy is this true?"

Izzy looks to the floor.

Izzy:"he kissed me! I tried to push him off!"

Jose:"Eva I really don't think izzy tried kissing him, I think he tried kissing her."

Eva opens the door a little bit.


Izzy:"yes I told him I had a girlfriend and he didn't listen!"

Eva:"I'm so sorry izzy. I should've  trusted you."

Izzy and Eva hug.

Izzy:"it's ok!"

We all start taking pictures of them.

Izzy and Eva:"NO!"

We all start laughing.

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