Part 18 (finale)

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Mia's POV

After the cops and everyone else found out what I did, Jose broke up with me, everyone else hates me, and I got put in jail for LIFE.

But I don't regret a single thing.

Justin gets thrown into the same jail cell as me.

Justin:"I guess we are cell mates for life!"

Never mind I regret it.

Justin's POV

Jail isn't too bad, after all I've been in jail for TEN STRAIGHT YEARS.

It's nothing new honestly.

Do I regret it? Nah

Do I care? Nah

Was I caught? Yea

Was I charged? Yea

Do I care? (I secretly do)

Mia:"how did you live here for ten years?"

I shrug.

Justin:"Mia, I'm asking myself the same question."

How did I live here for ten years?

Liam's POV

Charolette turned on the news.

News reporter:"We have caught the people who destroyed the towns mall! Their names are Justin Batofel and Gwen Ingrid! We also found out about a whole other case!"

Oh no.

News reporter:"We found out something about that old case ten years ago! Turns out Mia Cruz actually planned it all! Best believe we were shocked to hear this! Justin was a side piece, forced in to her plan. How did this happen?"

Thank goodness.

Charolette turns off the tv.

Charolette:"I knew it! I knew Mia wasn't a good person!"

Liam:"guess you did love."

Courtney's POV

Me and Duncan were out shopping, after that horrible accident.

Duncan:"see? I saved your life!"

Courtney:"yea, yea whatever!"

Duncan raises his eyebrow.

Duncan:"whatever and yea are my words!"

Courtney:"you don't own them-"

He pulls out a FLIPING document.

Duncan:"I do now princess!"

Courtney:"there's no way-"

He pulls out ANOTHER document with the PRESIDENTS signature on it.

Duncan:"ain't I a professional?" He said smirking."

Courtney:"stuff it."

Heather's POV

Me and Alejandro felt bad for Jose.

He loved Mia for years, just for her to be a criminal.

Alejandro:"I know Jose has been the one my parents have loved, but he loved Mia."

Heather:"he really did."

Alejandro and I went to go stop by Jose's house.

Heather:"JOSE OPEN UP!"

Jose opened the door, depressed.

Alejandro:"sorry bro."

Jose:"why WHY! Like I know I been in jail, but MIA?!? I LOVED HERRRR!" He started crying again.


Izzy's POV

Liam was throwing a party! WOOHOO!

Eva:"we are not going."




Eva rolled her eyes and finally gave in.

Eva:"fine, but if I do this, your coming with me to the gym tomorrow!"


Eva:"I love you too my little tiger!"

She pulled me in and we kissed.

Izzy:"Am I drunk yet?"

Eva:"no your dreaming."

I love her.

Lindsay's POV

Tyler:"Lindsay, do you remember her?" He says pointing at the tv at Mia.

I shake my head no.

Tyler:"Lind. She was your best friend!"

Lindsay:"she was? Can't recall."

Tyler:"so you don't remember?" He asks again.


Tyler jumps up and down happy.

I am so confused!

Tyler:"I LOVE YOU!"

Lindsay:"I love you too? " I say still curious.

Duncan's POV

Once again, Liam threw one of his parties, and of course I got dragged to it.

Courtney:"come on Duncan, please!"

Duncan:"fine." I said.

We finally arrive, and meet Geoff and Bridgette here.

Geoff:"sup dude!"

Bridgette:"COURTNEY!" She said while jumping on her to hug her.

Duncan:"HEY! Don't make my girlfriend end up in a hospital cause of you!"


Duncan:"I own the word whatever!"

Bridgette looks at me questionable.

Courtney:"he does he literally has documented proof."

We walk in to the party, and enjoy the rest of our lives. (Besides Mia,Justin,and Gwen of course)

We all lived SAFELY and HAPPILY.

The end.

THANK YOU FOR SUPPORTING "If We Had Lasted" and "Are We Safe Now?" !!!

I appreciate all the love on these stories and you!!!🩷🩷

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