Part Seven

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Courtney's  POV

Me,Bridgette,Duncan,and Geoff are all here at the bowling ball place waiting for Heather and Alejandro.

They finally walk in.


The boys all look at each other, wearing matching green and blue shirts.



Alejandro:"mi amor..."

We all laugh.

They rolled their eyes.

Alejandro looks at Heather.

Alejandro:"be lucky I'm even wearing this shirt for you."

She giggles.

We all find a spot and start putting our names on the screen.

Courtney:"I'm gonna go to the bathroom I'll be back!"

Duncan:"I'll put ur name in!"

Duncan puts the names in.

Geoff: Party guy

Bri: Surfer girl

Alejandro: Obsessed with baldy

Heather: Baldy

Duncan: The best obvs

Courtney: Queen of uptight

We all start getting settled with food and our seats.

I come back.

I give Duncan a glare.

Duncan:"what? Sorry for being real!"


Alejandro:"Heather calm down mi amor."

Bridgette:"Mine isn't too bad."

Geoff:"mine isn't either alright dude!"

Courtney:"if you try another stunt tonight Duncan I swear-"

Duncan grabs my waist.

Duncan:"swear what?"

I start blushing.

Courtney:"I-I-I will- ma-make you- regret-I-it." I said literally stuttering.

He whispers in my ear.

Duncan:"I know you were reading that book icebreaker, and ill created that same Uber scene if I have too."

My face goes red.

He gives me a kiss.

I smirk.

Duncan:"don't give me that look."

I laugh and we start playing.

Alejandro's POV

I watch as Heather turn is up.

She slams the ball and knocks all of them down.


I admired her.

I love her.




Sweet as a flower.

Mean as a fire.


Duncan's POV

Courtney walks up to me.

Courtney:"I'm thirsty!!"

I turn my head to her.

Duncan:"sorry princess, I finished the drink."

She looks on the ground.

Duncan:"let's go somewhere else for a while."

I grab her hand and we go to the bathroom.

She shuts the door and locks it.

Courtney:"why are we in here?"

Duncan:"you know why."

Courtney:"shut up!"

Duncan:"make me."

She kissed me and we started making out for a while.

Bridgette's POV

I wondered where Duncan and Courtney went.

Bridgette:"Geoff do you know where Duncan and
Courtney went?"

Geoff:"I don't really know Bri they are probably
getting drinks or something."

They come out the bathroom door together.

Duncan:"my turn already?" He said and went.

Courtney sat down quietly, face still red.

Justin's POV


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