Part Nine

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Duncan's POV

Courtney just came back home from the gas station.

I ran downstairs.


Courtney gives me a glare.

Courtney:"leave me alone, I'm not in the mood."

I give her a questionable look.

Duncan:"you ok-"

Courtney gets mad.

Courtney:"please leave me alone."

I go back upstairs and start texting Geoff.

Geoff:what's up dude!
Duncan:um Courtney is mad at me...
Geoff:what did you do
Duncan:nothing I swear! She just came home and was mad.
Geoff:you know what you did.
Geoff:dude! You're cheating on her!

I close my phone.

Me. Cheat? Please!

Tyler's POV

I heard a knock at the door.

I opened it and it was a basket full of confetti.

Pink and blue?

Why in the world would I receive pink and blue confetti-

I yell.


She came running down, in a pink and blue dress.


I look at her dress, then the basket confetti, her dress,the basket confetti, dress,confetti.

Tyler:"is this yours-"

Lindsay snatched the basket from me.

Lindsay:"yay! My poodles gender reveal gift came in the mail!!"

I look at her confused.

Tyler:"so your not?-"

Lindsay laughs.

Lindsay:"no why would you think that?"

I come and hug Lindsay.

Thank goodness.

Justin's POV

I did it.

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