Part Five

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Charolette's POV

I hear footsteps coming towards me.

It was Liam.

Liam:"hey you ok?"

I get up quickly and wipe my tears off my face.

Charolette:"yea I'm fine."

I move my blonde hair out of my face.

Liam looks at me, questionable.

Liam:"no you're not Charolette."

I reply quickly.


Liam:"what's wrong?"

I sit back down.

He sat down right beside me,patiently waiting for a response.

Courtney's POV

I start help cleaning up after Liam's party, and Bridgette walks up to me.


Courtney:"hey what's up?"

Bridgette:"we should go bowling sometime this week me,you,Geoff,Duncan?"

Courtney:"yea we can surprise them!"

Bridgette:"yes!! And we can make them wear matching shirts!!"

We both started laughing and searching up shirts to buy Geoff and Duncan.

Heather looks at us crazy and walks over to us.

Heather:"what in the world are you two being all giggly about?"

We tell her about getting Geoff and Duncan matching shirts.

Heather:"oh my goodness. Let me and Alejandro come too!!"

We agreed and we all started laughing.

Liam's POV

I get up with Charolette and we start helping everyone else clean up after my party.

Harold:"hey dude! You finally get your girl?"

I shake my head no.

Harold:"dang it!"

Eva:"you owe me five dollars now."

Harold hands her the five dollar bill.


I look at them in disbelief.

Liam:"are y'all betting?!"

Eva:"duh this idiot thought y'all were gonna kiss."
She said pointing at Harold.



Jose walks over to me.

Jose:"hey dude you good?"

Liam:"yea. What's up with you and Mia sneaking off together?"

Jose:"oh you can't know about that."

Liam:"oh my goodness be for real Jose."

Jose:"I am being for real! It's a surprise."

Liam:"I swear if it's twin day like how you made us match EVERYTHING 4 years ago I think I just might cry."

Jose:"no dude definitely not!"

We start putting up drinks.

Izzy's POV

I opened the trunk and...

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