Part 11

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Charolette's POV

I was in my room alone thinking if I have feelings for Liam or not.

His gorgeous black curls, and his pale skin, green eyes, just stayed in the back of my mind and
replayed so many times.

I called up Mia.

Mia:hey what's up

Charolette:I think I like Liam...

Mia:oooooh girl y'all need to get together!

Charolette:I know!!! But what if he doesn't like me?

Mia:girl then forget him! No matter if he says yes or no, you're still a person and you're worth it!

Charolette:thanks Mia

Mia:no problem! I got to go Jose wants me for something.


Mia:shut up dork!

I hang up and wonder

Does he like me?

Courtney's POV

I finally have the courage to arrive back at me and bris house, well really mine since Bri is at Geoff's more often.

Duncan pops out of nowhere with flowers and a basket full of snacks.

I look at him surprised.

Duncan:"hey princess! I don't know what's been up with you, but I did this to cheer you up a bit."

I hug him.

Courtney:"did you cheat on me?"

Duncan:"why do I still keep getting asked that?"

Courtney:"just.. be honest Duncan."

Duncan:"no princess what- why would I?"

I go on my phone and pull up the texts messages of him texting some other girl.


Duncan rolls his eyes in disbelief.

Duncan:"now Courtney, when in the world have I ever said I love you. I text you ILY not I love you all the way spelled out."

I look at the messages.

Duncan:"I also don't call you cupcake,or stupid."

Courtney:"now to think of it ... yea you don't."

He grabs my chin.

Duncan:"Courtney, I would never cheat on you. You're my absolute world, honestly you're pretty, smart,funny,kind,and can argue for anything. I freaking love you and I can't see me in this world without you. I've never had any other girlfriend before you and probably won't ever because you'll be the only girl I'll ever be with."

I start crying.

Courtney:"Duncan that's really sweet."

Duncan smirks.

Duncan:"be glad that I'm not uptight all the time like you!" He says messing my hair up.

??? POV

The water pipes.




I'm hiding out in the dumpster.

Justin paid me a good bit of money to help him do this crazy stunt.

But after he's been in jail for 10 years, the dude is still the same!

But hey, I can't judge can I now?

I give the signal and...

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