Part Eight

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Justin's POV

I arrived at Courtney and Bridgette's house.

My phone starts to ring.

Mia is calling me.



Mia:"what do you want you jerk face."

Justin:"no need to be rude."

Mia:"well I'm not helping you with whatever you're up to so you need to get back into your place and stop your crap."


Mia:"no buts. Leave me out of it!!"

She hung up.

I go into their house.

Heather's POV

We finally start heading back home.

Alejandro looks at me.

I turn my head.


Alejandro smirks at me.

Heather:"stop looking at me!"

Alejandro:"sorry mi amor it's just-"

He bursted out laughing.

I start to get really mad.

I climb over my seat and go sit in the back of Alejandro car.

Alejandro turns around.

Alejandro:"I'm sorry mi amor."


Alejandro parks the car.

Alejandro:"for real I'm sorry Heather it's just you got a bit of chocolate on your cheek."

He leans his head towards the back of the car and wipes it off my cheek.


Heather:"whatever loser."

He gives me a soft kiss.

Alejandro:"that better fix that attitude.

I sit in the back with my arms crossed.

Izzy's POV

I'm laying in my bed on a Saturday afternoon.

Eva:"izzy!! Get up now!"

She's  been telling me to get up for the past two hours.

She stomps up the stairs.


I get up and quickly throw on stuff.

Eva walks in.

I look at her with a nervously soft smile.

Eva:"I guess my little tiger was up!"

I give her the most concerned look.

Eva gives me a glare.

Eva:"don't look at me like that dummy."

I smile.

Eva blushes.

I stare down at her outfit.

Izzy:"and you're still in your sweats and sweater."

Eva runs out the room.

Izzy:"oh NO you don't!"

I chase after her and hold her close.

Liam's POV

I think I've started to gain feelings for charlotte.
She's sweet,kind, and thinks about others before herself.

And I'm jealous,cold-hearted, and lazy.

It makes me think.

Can we actually make as a couple?

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