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Scott and Wallace had been official for 3 weeks and 4 days. Not like Scott was counting or anything, definitely not!

It was hard at first to get rid of the "no homo" vibe in the air but eventually, Scott became more comfortable with expressing his feelings. And coming out to his friends was way easier than he thought it would be, most of them said they assumed he was dating Wallace anyway.

Scott was playing on his phone when he heard the door open. He immediately got up and went to hug his boyfriend.

"Hi! I missed you!"

Wallace smiled as he threw his keys to the floor.

"I missed you too." He said as he kissed Scott on the forehead.

Scott giggled and pulled away. "So, I was thinking maybe we could go see a movie later?"

"Woah, you want to go out? Who are you and where is my boyfriend?"

Scott smiled and hit him on the shoulder.

"I'm serious! I think it would be fun! Honest."

"I'm just messing with you. We can go, just let me get out of my work clothes."

Scott nodded and quickly ran off to get himself ready.


"It was slightly better than I expected."

"I told you! You're so quick to judge things."

Wallace stuck his tongue out at Scott, earning a small laugh from the other boy.

"It's really dark out."

"Well, yeah. You picked a 3 hour movie."

"How was I supposed to know it would be 3 hours?"

"Couldn't you have looked it up?"

"...Probably, but that ruins the fun!"

"You're such a dork," Wallace said as he ruffled Scott's hair.

"Hey! I spent very long on that!"

"Sure you did."

Scott squeezed Wallace's hand.

"Do'ya want to stay out for a while longer?"


"Alright. We can walk to the park, it's only a few minutes away."

Scott nodded and walked quietly. He didn't really feel like speaking. He wanted to appreciate the moment. He had been missing Ramona for a while after the breakup but at that moment he realized maybe it was for the better. He finally got what he wanted.

Someone who loves him for who he was, and not for who they wanted him to be.


Hi!!! I'm so sorry, im not sure how to continue this so I think its over. (I might publish some more chapters if I think of something)

If you have any ideas, give em! I'd love to write another story for you all!

Thanks! -Me

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