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Scott had woken up in the middle of the night, no longer cuddling Wallace. Now slightly disappointed, he pulled the blanket over himself again and shut his eyes. But nothing came from this. He couldn't stop thinking about Ramona. Thinking about signs that things were nearing their end. He knew they weren't made to last long-term but it didn't hurt to hope. Or, it didn't hurt at the time to hope. The wound feeling all too fresh to look back on and not have all those feelings he had during the fight. It always ended this way, Scott would give them his whole heart and receive nothing but the bare minimum to make him believe that they truly loved him. And he fell for it. Every. Single. Time.
He was starting to give up on love in general. Maybe he was just as unlovable as Ramona said. He was trying to stifle his sobs but apparently didn't do a good enough job because Wallace turned to face him.

"What's wrong?" He tried to put on his most compassionate voice, but you could clearly tell he was annoyed at being woken up at 3 a.m.

Scott of course didn't respond. He just kept crying.

"Listen, I know you loved her. A lot. But you have to remember that she wasn't really a good person. You're looking at your relationship with her through rose-tinted glasses. You need to take them off."

Scott sighed. He knew he was telling the truth. But-
There wasn't an excuse. And he needs to stop trying to justify it.
Wallace saw how much this was troubling him, so he pulled Scott back into his arms to try and calm him, even a bit.

"Just get some rest, okay? You're gonna feel worse if you don't have at least a few hours of sleep in your system."

"I have all day to sleep tomorrow. It's not like I'm going out."

"Yeah but then you won't have enough energy for ice skating."


"I didn't tell you? I'm taking you ice skating tomorrow, I think it would help take your mind off Ramona for a few hours."

"But I-I don't know how to skate!"

"I do."


"I'm saying I'm gonna help you."


"...I still don't know about this."

"C'mon, worst that'll happen is you'll fall and get slightly embarrassed."

Scott thought about it. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad. He and Wallace hadn't hung out just the two of them in ages. And Scott hadn't done anything fun either. All he did was go to-

He needs to stop thinking about her.

"I guess I'll go..."

"Glad I could convince you."

"Just don't laugh when I do eventually fall."

"Scott I would never, you know me."

"I'll just take a photo and post it on my Instagram."

Scott groaned and turned to face Wallace. He buried his face in the crook of his neck.





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