Wallace walked back into the skating rink and looked around for Scott.

"Over here!!"

Wallace looked up and went over to the table Scott was sitting at.

"Why were you outside?"

"No reason. What did you order?"

"I got two slices of pizza and two drinks."


Wallace awkwardly looked around. Should he bring it up? What if Scott didn't mean it like that? Well, what other way could he mean it?

"Your eyes look really red."

Wallace was quickly snapped out of his daze as he heard the comment.

"What? Oh, allergies."

"...It's winter?"

"Yeah, a special type of pollen comes out at this time of year."

"Wallace, I know I'm stupid, but I'm not that stupid."

"Dude! It's literally nothing!"

"Wallace! I hate it when you do this! Something's obviously wrong!"

"I don't want to argue at a sticky table at a random overpriced skating rink!"

"I won't judge you! I barely ever see you cry so I want to know what's wrong!"

"Woah! When did we jump to me crying? What kind of mental gymnastics do you have to do to get to that conclusion?"

"I barely even stepped! Your eyes are red, your nose is kinda red, your voice was quiet, and you were outside!"

"I am fine!"

"No you aren't!"

"Why are you telling me how I feel!?"

"Because it's obvious how you feel!"

Scott holds Wallace's hands in his.

Wallace immediately pulls his hands away.

"Don't touch me!"

"Is it something I did?

"Scott you literally told-"

The alarm to go get the food from the counter went off.

"What? Told you what?"

"It's nothing. Just go get the food."

Scott sighed and got up.

Wallace put his head down on the table.

After a few minutes, Scott came back with the food in hand.


He put the food on the table and sat beside Wallace.

He didn't eat though, and Neither did Wallace, they both just sat there.

"Is there anything I can do to make it up to you?"


"Can I hug you?"


"Okay. Uhm, do you want me to leave?"



IM SO SORRY I ABANDONED YALL I GOT SUPER BUSY WITH SCHOOL 😢💔 I also hoped you liked the song! I rediscovered it yesterday and was like "more people need to know about this OMG"

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